Drake grabbed the helmet on the seat and slipped it on quietly, he started to climb onto he vehicle before he moved his hands to the handlebars. It took him only about 5 minutes to get used to driving it, he looked at the map on the phone Alister gave him before he tucked it into his pocket. He breathed in before he started to speed towards the place. He dodged cars easily; it was much like flying to him, except slightly closer to the ground. He sped along the roads with ease, he pulled up down the road from the bistro before he started to walk the rest of the way there. As he got closer to the bistro, he glanced to the windows in the shops and saw what shirt he was wearing. He paused before fully turning towards the window, pulling the shirt down. The words on the shirt read [u]Scale Daddy[/u]. Drakes face flushed red as he grumbled loudly. "Becca." He mumbled before he sighed and continued over to the Bistro. He pushed the door open and looked around, spotting Alister rather quickly. He headed over to him and sat down beside him. "I hope you didn't miss me too much." He said offhandedly with a smirk. [hr] Andrew listened to Valeria with widened eyes as he ate some food. He looked at her with a tilt of his head. "That's cool!" He said as he hopped up, "That's amazing!" He swallowed his mouthful as the air grew thick. He blinked at her as she changed her emotion almost on a dime. "I would never call you old!" He said as he followed after her, "I may be young, especially for a Fae, but you are in nothing in terms of Old! I wouldn't even think to call a lovely woman like you old!" He continued, "You're experienced, well-versed!"