[@Lord Wraith]Got the support cast now too. [hider=SuperGirl] [center][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][B]C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T P R O P O S A L[/B][/COLOR][h1][color=1E90FF][b]S u p e r g i r l[/b][/color][/h1][hr][/center] [CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/EaoTMoT.png?1[/img][/CENTER] [CENTER][color=LightBlue] Kara-El of Krypton [/color][color=1E90FF]♦[/color] [color=LightBlue] Student [/color][color=1E90FF]♦[/color] [color=LightBlue] Metropolis [/color][color=1E90FF]♦[/color] [color=LightBlue] Justice League[/color][img]IMAGE/BANNER[/img] [/CENTER][COLOR=1E90FF][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR] [CENTER][sup][color=ADD8E6]"I used to want to be a superhero when I was young, now I am one. Funny how that worked out."[/color][/sup][/CENTER] [INDENT][INDENT][i]After a trip to a trippin’ ice fortress out in the middle of nowhere, Kara Danvers was treated to the knowledge of her ancestors by a rather impressive AI system. Suddenly filled with all the knowledge of her potential as a Kryptonian in a yellow star solar system, the young woman embraced her new powers to become even more super than she had been before. Being an alien with an awesome power set is cool and all that but Kara wants to also hold onto her human ‘heritage’ and stay a part of society as Kara and not Supergirl. With College, an internship and all that normal stuff along with the desire to save the day, having a perfectly balanced break- I mean life will be rather tough. Just being herself isn’t the only thing on her mind however, there is also the question of what happened to her younger cousin? Kal-El seems to have disappeared from reality, but what is the truth? Will Lex Luthor give her any time to actually try and find her cousin? Read on to find out. [/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=1E90FF][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i] Supergirl is an interesting character and using this unique backstory created by the previous owner, she’ll be a lot more connected and attached to Earth life than the original ever would. As she has only now learned about her true heritage she will need to make the decision of how much of her old life she will allow to influence her Earth one. Having most of her memories being of her time on Earth Kara is very much a typical Earth girl, with dreams and wants like most people have. This brings the question of how much of those typical dreams she will have to give up in order to be Supergirl? Also in a singular universe how much of a threat will she be considered to the rest of the world? All good questions that need answers.[/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=1E90FF][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT] Jimmy Olson [color=1E90FF]♦[/color] [i]Photographer for the Daily Planet and aspiring journalist. Jimmy decided not to go to college and instead went right into the workforce. He has a hard life but he enjoys the challenge as he attempts to be the first to break into a new story.[/i] Lex Luthor [color=1E90FF]♦[/color] [i]Founder of LexCorp, he is one of the richest and smartest men on the entire planet. He is not exactly known for being ethical, but his charisma and lack of evidence to any wrongdoing on his part, ensures his spotlight as a media darling. Even if anyone knows about any of his pet projects, they tend to keep quiet as being in Lex’s good graces is often quite profitable.[/i] Cat Grant [color=1E90FF]♦[/color] [i]A columnist for the Daily Planet, Cat Grant is a very ambitious individual who will go to great lengths to up her game. She is particularly interested in the new Supergirl, but does not let that interest interfere with the rest of her work, unless she can get some exclusive information that is.[/i] Lucy Lane [color=1E90FF]♦[/color] [i]Going to the same college as Kara Danvers, the two quickly became fast friends and find themselves hanging out a lot together. As the two come from very different backgrounds they enjoy bouncing off ideas and stories off of each other.[/i] Perry White [color=1E90FF]♦[/color] [i]Chief editor of the Daily Planet, a bit loud and old-fashioned. He often has trouble with all the new fangled electronics but is smart enough to realize when he needs help and something is out of his depth.[/i] Vincent Edge [color=1E90FF]♦[/color] [i]Runs Galaxy Communications, a direct competition to The Daily Planet. Considered an underdog at first, but with a slick social media focus and the ability to really get the nitty-gritty[so he claims] of every news story he has quickly become a force to become a clear rival network. Prides himself on giving a voice to ‘all’ views, including a lot of unpopular ones which gets him mixed reactions.[/i] G. Gordon Godfrey [color=1E90FF]♦[/color] [i]One of Galaxy Communications’ star reporters most known for his very blunt and scathing interviews. He is known for being very harsh, especially when talking about meta-humans.[/i] [/indent][/indent] [COLOR=1E90FF][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]S A M P L E P O S T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i][/i][/indent][/indent] [INDENT][INDENT][COLOR=81CFFF][B][SUP][SUB][H3]Supergirl: Glasses Just Won't Cut It[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/COLOR][hr][right][sup][color=white]Morning [color=81CFFF]//[/color]Kara’s Room, United States[/color] [color=gray]Day before moving to Metropolis, 2019[/color][/sup][/right][hr][/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]Kara looked at herself in the mirror, a lovely young blonde with blue eyes stared back. The woman was in absolutely normal clothes but frankly it was going to be impossible for anyone to not realize she was Supergirl. Sure there would be advantages if everyone just knew who she was but after fully realizing who she really was, Kara was afraid of losing who she had become. If everyone knew Kara was Supergirl, then would she still even be the Kara people had gotten to know? First thing to try was a simple pair of large, rectangular glasses. Putting on the spectacles the first thought that entered her mind was, [color=LightBlue]“Wow Kara, you look like an absolute geek!”[/color] It was amazing how much a simple pair of glasses could change a face; however if they were ever bumped off somehow or someone had a good imagination it would be easy to make the connection. [color=LightBlue]“Yep, these would never work!”[/color] She laughed and tossed the glasses to the side. [color=LightBlue]“I need a more complete makeover. Need to make myself stand out in a different way.”[/color] Next on the disguise rack was a brown wig, longer than her normal hair and a bit frizzier than her silky blonde locks. She had thought about a more extreme difference like black hair, but decided looking closer to her parents’ hair colors would be more natural. This way she could claim this was her normal hair and the young blonde in her pictures was because she dyed her hair at a younger age. The different hair color and style helped change her looks a lot. This was certainly a step in the right direction but another thing she needed to change was her eyes, sure she couldn’t change her photos eye color but at least when people looked at her on the street they wouldn’t make a connection with Supergirl as much with different eye colors. The color contacts she had chosen would change her blue eyes to a soft, hazelnut color. The problem was she had never worn contacts in her life. The small white case with the lens stared up at her from the sink counter. She gently twisted a cap off and dipped her finger into the solution to feel the soft lens on her finger tip. She brought the colored contact up to eye level and stared at it for a moment. [color=LightBlue]“Come on Kara, you can punch through a building, fly through the sky, and not even a bullet can scratch me…what’s there to be afraid about a little contact lens?”[/color] For some reason the thought about purposefully putting an object in her eye was giving her the willies. Light reflected off the soft body of the contact as if to taunt her. Kara took a few breaths, made sure the lens was clean, and tried to pop the little sucker onto her eyeball. The lens folded up in a weird way and slip to her lower eyelid. The strange feeling caused her to rapidly blink which pushed the contact out, and onto the floor below. [color=LightBlue]“Oh come on!”[/color] Kara quickly scooped it up and used saline solution to wash it as thoroughly as possible. [color=LightBlue]“Let’s try this again.”[/color] With another deep breath she tried to put it in once again, this time she managed to fit it in better but when she looked in the mirror, the contact was a bit off which made her eye look weird. With a grumble she tried sliding the contact into the right place but put a little too much pressure and she ripped it. [color=LightBlue]“Blast it super strength I don’t need you for delicate work!”[/color] Getting a little too worked up, her eyes flared up and before she knew it she had burned right through the remainder of the contact. Quickly she stuck her head under the faucet and washed her eye out. Thankfully was was only a little singe on the wall and apparently even her eyeball was fire proof. [color=LightBlue]“I hate contacts.”[/color] Despite that declaration and a painful first experience Kara was eventually able to learn how to put in the contacts after a bit more practice. She just hoped she wouldn’t burn through too many pairs before she got completely used to them.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [/hider] We'll see if I can continue on with what was started. I think the hardest part will be Lex Luthor rather than anything directly Supergirl related.