[@jeroukoo][@Alisdragon911][@Wayward][@ouTland01] March 2nd, 2019 was a cold day for many in the Northern Hemisphere, a day of new beginnings, and another day in the life for others. Some would lay their head down comfortably, while others would have scrap to get by. Such is the way of the world. March the third couldn't come quick enough... [@jeroukoo] Having spent the night in an uncomfortable, yet warm, holding cell, it was now time for Malcolm to wake up and get a move on. It was 9:30am and a toasty 2°F when Malcolm was released back onto the streets. The kind officer at the front desk who gave him back his belongings suggested that he stay at the local Wyoming Rescue Mission homeless shelter, located a few blocks away... if he were to stay another night in Casper at all. Though, thoughts of traveling south were definitely tempting... [@Alisdragon911] Faye had (won/lost) her first Pokemon battle, but more importantly she had made a friend. There was no bitterness between either trainer or their Pokemon. It was 11am in the morning, and they were checking out of the Pokemon Center together. [b]"So do you want to travel together for a while? Or are you the lone wolf type?"[/b] Samantha joked. [@Wayward] Despite a moderately comfortable bed to sleep on, Bryan had to find out the hard way why they called this "The City That Never Sleeps". Sirens, the occasional backfiring car (or perhaps gunshot?), either way, he was up early and ready to get moving. If he was serious about taking on this New York City gym league, he would need to visit one of the other boroughs today, but which one...? [@ouTland01] Even the great state of Texas was cold this Sunday morning. By the time Avery left the Poke Center, it was right at 32°F. Literally freezing in Texas, what was the world coming to? And the projected high for the day? A whopping 37°F. Still, he was hear for a reason, and he wouldn't let the weather drag him down.