[Center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180513/5ef5b8f32a843a2a76c1b0aa903ab393.png[/img] [h2]&[/h2] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PtFX7c8.png[/img][/center] [Sub].:⋮One last Ride⋮:.[/Sub] [/center] Penny was strolling along the beach at a leisurely pace, her mood having been significantly buoyed due to playing around in the sand, making sand castles with Chloe and then tearing them down. Even if she didn’t need it anymore there was still something about breaking things apart that was incredibly satisfying. She was heading towards the growing commotion on the Beach, she had overheard people talking about the volleyball areas finally getting set up and was interested in joining in on one of the games, but wasn’t in any rush to get there. “Hey! You there!” Penny heard a voice, and turned to see nobody. Then, when she turned back, she was face to face with Helga; she looked serious, with hands on her hips. “So you’re Penny, right? I’ve heard a lot of things about you, like that you were some horrible metal monster.” She circled around he, examining her carefully before stopping in front of her again, nodding to herself with a hand holding her chin. “You’re far too pretty to be that, though. However, another rumor I heard is that you have a ship. Is that rumor true?” Penny took a step back at suddenly finding herself face to face with another person and it took her a moment to understand what was being said to her. [color=9e0039]“The first depends a lot on who’s talking”[/color] Penny would reply cautiously. Something about the girl seemed familiar to Penny, she was just having issues placing why. Regardless she didn’t have any reason to obscure the fact she had Earth Bastion, the PI likely had photos of it from the Stadium incident so it wasn’t much of a secret. [color=9e0039]“The part about having a ship is true though.”[/color] Penny would confirm folding her arms as she examined Helga closely [color=9e0039]“Why do you ask?”[/color] Helga pursed her lips, having crossed her arms. “I need to see it,” she answered. “I need to see the ship...That belonged to Amber. The ship that you stole.” Penny just tilted her head to the side as realization sunk in.[color=9e0039]“I remember you now, Helga right?”[/color] she asked as she turned to face the ocean [color=9e0039]“You were there when The SkyBastion was reforged.”[/color] The ghostly silhouette of the titanic ship flickered into Penny’s view resting not more then ten feet away from the two of them. [color=9e0039]“Kinda annoyed that everyone keeps saying I stole it. As I have no idea why it became mine, but it is [i]mine[/i]. It carried across abandoning one Patron and gaining another.”[/color] She would explain casting one a glance over at the other Monstergirl. [color=9e0039]“But I’m guessing that Amber meant a lot to you.”[/color] She would add as thunderheads appeared in the sky above them [color=9e0039]“So I hope this helps bring you some measure of peace.”[/color] There was a roar of thunder as the sky split open and a massive bolt of lightning struck the waters edge, and in the wake of that lightning strike appeared EarthBastion in all her glory. Helga held herself, and bit her lip. “I was...The Sky Bastion was Amber’s pride and joy. It was what made her the great pirate she was.” She averted her eyes, looking down to the ocean. “She...did mean a lot to me. It was only later that I heard that it was taken by somebody; ever since that day, I’ve been searching for it, hoping to find the thief. It was the least I could do, to honor her memory.” When Penny ended her last sentence, she waited, only to gasp as the mighty vessel landed, splashing the two girls with water. “I...I can’t believe it.” She applied a tiny rumble of Sound magic to air-dry herself, and put her hands to her cheeks as she came to terms with seeing the ship; two tears began to form in her eyes. “It’s Amber’s ship...And..." She slowly turned to Penny. "...It looks so cool.” Tears were flowing down her cheeks, and she took her hand. “I thought I should kill the thief who took it, but now I understand...Thank you for taking care of her all this time.” Penny would smile softly as she looked up at her ship [color=9e0039]“Of course I’d take care of her,”[/color] she’d explain walking up to the hull and laying a hand on it. [color=9e0039]“She’s saved me twice now. It’s only fair I return the favor where I can.”[/color] A rumble would emanate from deep within the massive vehicle and soon after rampways would unfurl from the deck far above and come crashing down on the beach not far from the two of them. [color=9e0039]“You want to take a look around inside as well?”[/color] Helga smiled, and wiped the tears from her cheeks. “I would love that.” She walked aboard, and looked around with a nostalgic euphoria; she reminisced about the times she has sailed on this vessel with the pirate girl she used to know. “Could we...Go on a short trip around the islands?” She finally asked. “One last voyage...In memory of Amber.” [color=9e0039]“Sure”[/color] Penny would answer as she walked also climbed aboard, [color=9e0039]“Would give me a chance to actually see how fast she can go”[/color] a short look of concentration later and Earth bastion would smoothly slip backwards into the ocean waters, the loading ramps having already retracted. [color=9e0039]“Anywhere in particular you want to go or we just making a circuit?”[/color] Penny would ask gently while Earth bastion started to sail towards the nearest island that could be seen. “Anywhere you want to,” Helga answered, having leaned against the railing as she saw the waves pass by. “The sea isn’t a path; you can go anywhere you want to. That’s what Amber told me.” She closed her eyes, feeling the salty wind tousling her hair. “You know, I think Amber would have wanted someone like you to inherit her ship; she had a knack for recognizing what other people were like. And…” She hesitated. “Amber would have seen your conviction.” She turned around, and noticed how her feet had melded with the ship. Still, she went closer, and placed a hand on her shoulder, giving a bittersweet smile. “I’m sure she will be at peace...Now that you’re the one to carry on her will for adventure, Penny.” And for the rest of the trip, she simply enjoyed the cruise. All the ties that bound her to the past have been severed, and her heart was finally ready for the future. [hr] [center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180804/59e33c13301c63b568e5eb178a837406.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180715/d80bb0fbb433935c1613207a0d09ae3f.png[/img] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/4Q1QloC.png[/img][/center] [url=https://i.imgur.com/bgCtn2S.png][img]https://i.imgur.com/pZ7fE6g.png[/img][/url] [/center] Sally was excited to go shopping with Aurelio. Now holding the magical boy’s hand, she boisterously stepped through the front entrance, her eyes shining upon seeing the various items. “Ahhh, there’s so much cute stuff!” She went over and looked at a green beach ball, twirling it on her fingertip like a professional basketball player. “We could totally play volleyball with this, Aurelio!” Lily decided to mentally prepare herself for the stage show by gathering her courage. And nothing helped her get into a socially challenging task like hanging out with Alex. [color=fff200]“Let’s go to the shop, Alex: Dan mentioned that they’re selling magical items. Also also, Sally and Aurelio are going to be there, so we can start the double date there!”[/color] As a result, Lily and Alex also arrived in the Boutique, with the former leading the latter in. [color=fff200]“Ooh, what is that? Wait, what’s that? And THAT?”[/color] Lily vocalized her reactions to seeing the strange relics and artifacts that littered the shelves. “Oh, hi Lily and Alex!” Sally greeted them with a bouncy wave of her hand. “Weren’t you going to perform at the stage?” She asked with a blink. Lily looked a bit sheepish, and held her arm. [color=fff200]“Yeah, I just...Want to prep for it first, hehe.”[/color] When Sally and Aurelio came into the boutique, the little witch at the cash register stood up smiling excitedly. [color=f03aa1]‘Welcome to Brittany’s Bewitched Beach Boutique! How may I be of serv-?’[/color] Brittany happily called out as someone entered her shop, then her eyes widened. [color=f03aa1]‘M-multiple customers! I-I'm a real shop now!’[/color] the witch said in wonder. “[color=aba000]Just what [i]is[/i] most of this stuff?[/color]” Alexander mumbled to himself as looked at a ring with [i]far[/i] too many gems on it “[color=aba000]This place just screams ‘tourist trap’[/color]” he shook his head and turned back to Lily ‘[color=aba000][i]I wonder...should I make some more enchanted items for Lily? I mean, you’re supposed to give your girlfriend jewelry and stuff...right? Plus, I’d feel safer if Lily was decked out in power boosting gear. Although...she did kind of freak out when I gave her a ring...so maybe not those. Earings, a necklace, bracelets, maybe some bangles. But that sounds a lot harder than a simple metal ring. Plus, I have to make them look…’cute’, I think. Dammit, this is way more complex than it should be. Maybe if I just use a lot of colors? Hummmm, I wonder if I can find something her to help me make accessories?[/i][/color]’ He was so lost in thought, that it was only a few seconds later that he noticed the new girl ‘[color=aba000][i]crap! When did she get there!? Wait, isn’t she that girl who dragged away emotion boy? So does that mean she’s going to be part of our-[/i][/color]’ he paused with a grimace ‘[color=aba000][i]-double date. I still don’t understand why Lily wants to invite other people on what should be something private between us...but I have a[/i] really [i]hard time saying no to her.[/i][/color]’ Aurelio was content to allow himself to be dragged around by Sally. He had a few Clones of his wandering around as well taking a more in depth look at anything that caught their eye. The boutique had plenty of things to draw the gaze. [color=fff79a]“Ooooh shiny”[/color] not that he had much of an idea what most of the things did. Granted with all the [color=DA6304][b]Curiosity[/b][/color] floating around he could learn if he wanted to, but why ruin all the fun?” [color=fff79a]“Hey you two,”[/color] He would greet warmly. [color=fff79a]“Prep work is always a vital step to success when it comes to putting on a performance,”[/color] he would agree sagely with a nodded. [color=fff79a]“In fact, I’ve got a Clone off taking a look at the stage so I can get some idea of how much room I have to display my talents as a magician.”[/color] he would explain, picking up an interesting looking bobble as he did. [color=fff79a]“You planning on putting on a show yourself Alex?”[/color] Alexander shrugged “[color=aba000]Wouldn’t even know what to do. I’m not really an entertainer, so unless beating something up counts, then I don’t have a show [i]to[/i] put on[/color]” [color=fff200]“Hi Doctor Love!”[/color] Lily would greet Aurelio with a big grin on her face. [color=fff200]“You look dapper, tehe~”[/color] She would comment, still holding on to Alex’ hand as he was browsing through the various items. [color=fff200]“Are you going to put on a magic show? I can volunteer to be your assistant for it!”[/color] She raised her hand, only to immediately shriek. [color=fff200]“But no cutting me in half with a saw! Or throwing daggers at me! You can pull me out of your hat though, that’s fine.”[/color] Alexander’s eyes widened “[color=aba000]I second the no sharp object things [i]very[/i] strongly[/color]” [color=fff79a]“Relax, relax”[/color] Aurelio would say waving aside the worry about sharp and pointy things that happen during a magic show [color=fff79a]“As much as you’d make a great assistant, not sure that would be very fair to you. Assistants do a lot more of the work then most people are aware of.”[/color] He’d stop and tilted his head to the side for a moment before continuing on [color=fff79a]“I am going to need to find another rabbit to pull from my hat though. Can’t get incontact with my current one”[/color] Sally nodded as she listened to the others talk, having withdrawn to the swimsuit section of the store. There, she made a grand discovery, and held out a skimpy but colorful bikini out. “This swimsuit is super cute, and cheap too! How lucky! I’m going to buy it.” Lily’s eyebrow raised as she saw it. [color=fff200]“Yeah, it’s cute, but isn’t that-”[/color] “Oh, no buts! ” Sally grabbed Lily with a single arm, pushing the lithe girl’s cheek against her ample bosom. “This is absolutely perfect, and it would be a shame if I left it here.” [color=fff200]“Uhhh...Sure.”[/color] Lily looked unconvinced, but decided to leave it at that. [color=fff200]“Do you have anything suitable for a date or double date, miss shopkeep?”[/color] Alexander raised an eyebrow “[color=aba000]Why would you need another swimsuit when you already have a magic one? These aren’t like normal clothes; you don’t have to worry about them getting dirty[/color]” [color=fff79a]“Don’t worry about me, I’ve got my own outfit situation covered”[/color] Aurelio would say in regards to the clothes shopping before wandering off to look at some more of the interesting things in the shop for a moment. As much as he could appreciate physical beauty, how people felt inside was much more important to the emotional mage. [color=f03aa1]‘Keh-heh, for a date, eh?’[/color] Brittany made an amused smile as she considered. [color=f03aa1]‘Well, there’s the Eternal Ice Cream, an ice cream that’ll never run out, that you could share with each other for as long as you like! There’s the Dolphin Flute, that’ll let you control nearby aquatic life, which could make for quite a show. Otherwise, there’s the Ultimate Surfboard, Windsurfer’s Sail or the Super Jet Ski if you want some speed on the waters…’[/color] [color=f03aa1]‘If you’re confident you’re a match, then confirm it with the Greaser’s Sunglasses, which’ll tell you your chances of romantic success with this person by meeting their eyes~! Oh, and we have a BUNCH of Quick Change swimsuits if you want to show off different looking swimsuits to your boyfriends, keh-heh~! Or, if you’re really bold, then-’[/color] Brittany’s eyes fell on the swimsuit Sally held. [color=f03aa1]‘Oh. You’re really bold, huh,’[/color] Brittany said with a mild blush. Then smirked. [color=f03aa1]‘We also have a whole ARSENAL of water guns of different shapes and sizes if you want to get each other wet in a shootout~!’[/color] Alexander’s attention was grasped by the mention of the Eternal Ice Cream “[color=aba000]Endless ice cream!?...What flavor?[/color]” Lily also perked up at the mention of the ice cream, having noted Alex’ reaction to it. [color=fff200]”Is there banana flavor? That’s my favorite. Oh, and strawberry too! And raspberry, blueberry...”[/color] She counted the flavors with her fingers. [color=fff200]”But chocolate is tasty too...”[/color] Her eyes noted the Dolphin Flute, and she bit her lip. [color=fff200]”I would love to swim with a whale...”[/color] Then the Quick Change artifact was mentioned and she blushed. [color=fff200]”Then I would get to wear something really cute instead of this...But will I have enough for ice cream...Probably not.”[/color] She pulled out her magical coins, and began counting them on her hand. Alexander raised an eyebrow “[color=aba000]Are...are you actually thinking about choosing clothes over unlimited ice cream? I mean, the one you have on right now looks perfectly functional.[/color]” He sighed “[color=aba000]Girls really make no sense at all.[/color]” A coin dropped from Lily’s hand upon hearing Alex’ compliment, and she immediately crouched down to both pick up the coin and hide her blush. [color=fff200]”You think so? Well, I guess I have a unique look like this...”[/color] [color=f03aa1]‘Keh-heh, magical ice cream has most imaginable tastes, depends on what I sell it as!’[/color] Brittany says with a wide smile. [color=f03aa1]‘The things unique to this resort are pretty cheap, though. The Eternal Ice Cream is 1 bronze coin, the Quick Change swimsuit is two! Buy as many as you like~!’[/color] Brittany told excitedly. “[color=aba000]That’s...suspiciously cheap.[/color]” Alexander said “[color=aba000]unlimited ice cream for only [i]one[/i] bronze coin? There has to be some kind of catch. Does it have an expiration date or something?[/color]” [color=f03aa1]‘Well. You can’t bring it along back to Penrose? I would have sold it for more if it wasn’t for that!’[/color] Brittany replied. Alexander nodded “[color=aba000]Yeah, that makes sense. I’m guessing that whatever magic is in the ice cream is sustained by this place...or something like that.[/color]” Lily went over to the counter and placed four bronze coins, having made her decision. [color=fff200]”Two Eternal Ice Creams, strawberry flavor please.”[/color] “[color=aba000]Huh?[/color]” Alexander said surprised “[color=aba000]Why do you need two?[/color]” Brittany smiled, before jumping back and producing two cones from a box. Then over to where the ice cream was stored, scooping up two already round ice-cream spheres of strawberry flavour and put on each cone. Then back to Lily and handing them over. [color=f03aa1]‘Yupp! Here you go!’[/color] [color=fff200]”Thanks a lot, miss!”[/color] Lily would respond with a big smile, and took the ice creams. She held one out for Alex, having averted her eyes as her cheeks reddened. [color=fff200]”H-Here...My treat.”[/color] Alexander’s eyes widened and he waited a few seconds before reaching out to grab the offered ice cream. His fingers brushed against hers as he gripped it and brought it to his mouth for his first bite, a strange wetness forming around his eyes ‘[color=aba000][i]That’s weird; I thought I didn’t like strawberry.[/i][/color]’ [color=fff79a]“Hey Lily!”[/color] Aurelio would callout as he emerged from further back in the store with a bemused smile on his face and a pair of plushies in his hands [color=fff79a]“Did you know that you were famous already?”[/color] He would ask holding up one of the plushies, revealing that it was in fact a plush of Lily herself. [color=fff79a]“They have a few other types back there as well, but I think Alicia would get a kick out of this one”[/color] He would add holding up the other plush, which happened to be one of the Seraph herself. Aurelio would then note the ice cream [color=fff79a]“Ooo Ice cream, how much?”[/color] [color=f03aa1]‘One bronze, sir~!’[/color] Brittany replied. [color=fff200]”F-Famous!?”[/color] Lily looked dumbfounded as Aurelio pointed out the plushie; it was her in her new dancer uniform, complete with tiny soft balls and buttons for jewels. [color=fff200]”EEEEEHHH? This is...Is this allowed? This is illegal, right?”[/color] She took the plushie, and held it out at the shopkeep with a pout. [color=fff200]”I deserve royalties for sales of this, you know.”[/color] Broken out of his daze by the plushy, he looked at the plushy and said “[color=aba000]That...is extremely creepy. I’d ask how you already have plushies of her made, but I get the feeling that the answer is just ‘magic’[/color]” Brittany smiled widely as the subject of the plushie came up. [color=f03aa1]‘Keh-heh, I did figure it was you. Nope, sorry, can’t give you any royalties. We don’t exactly have a magic government managing our magic funds, anyway~!’[/color] Brittany called, exceedingly unconcerned about any such matters. Alexander flinched “[color=aba000]Seriously? That sounds ripe for abuse. I mean, I have an issue with authority, and even [i]I[/i] know you need someone to set some kind of ground rules. Otherwise things break down into chaos.[/color]” [color=fff79a]“That's what Beacon is working towards”[/color] Aurelio would chime in [color=fff79a]“Sadly not everyone agrees with having someone to monitor things”[/color] Lily sighed, and put the doll back. [color=fff200]”It’s fine, Alex. It’s not like anyone would want to buy it. Besides, we got our ice creams, and that’s enough for now.”[/color] Meanwhile, Sally set the money down at the counter, and held the peculiar bikini with a wide smile. “I want to change to this as soon as possible. Dan said the cottages were free to use, right? I’m gonna make a quick trip~” She turned as soon as the transaction was made, and walked out of the Boutique. “Why don’t you lovebirds decide where we go next. Maybe the stageshow; if Lily’s not ready to sing to us, maybe I could give it a try, and act out a scene~” As she went, Lily looked on with pure bewilderment. [color=fff200]”Oh, there’s no need to, Sally.”[/color] As she passed by the boys, out the front entrance, they saw the business receipt fall from her hand: “Swimsuit of Guaranteed Wardrobe Malfunction: 1 Gold.” Lily once again shook her head, and took a lick of her ice cream. [color=fff200]”You’re...Going to cause a scene anyway...”[/color] Alexander took a few moments to think about the name of the item he had seen on the receipt “[color=aba000]...1 gold for a faulty swimsuit? Thats...that’s insane! What kind of idiot came up with that!? Why would you...why would [i]anyone[/i] want to buy that!? Hell, you could probably set up a normal swimsuit to do that for free![/color]” Aurelio just gave the receipt a long look before he gave out a sigh. [color=fff79a]“Some people enjoy the thrill of it, some people want an excuse to get into a compromising situation with someone else”[/color] He would answer Alex [color=fff79a]“And I get the feeling I might have placed myself directly in the line of fire for a very interesting Vacation.”[/color] [color=f03aa1]‘I didn't think anyone would buy that for themselves,’[/color] Brittany stated, having followed the boys just partly out the door, standing dumbfounded with a little blush and gold coin in hand. Then, she shrugged and smiled widely to the still present boys. [color=f03aa1]‘Well, thank you for using my store! I'll have my shop open in Penrose when you come back, and then I'll have my battle equipment to sell again! So please, do swing by, I'd love to see you again~!’[/color] So she said, and skipped back into the shop.