I will say this in general about technology level questions: I left it vague on purpose. As long as we're below faster-than-light tech, I'm satisfied in general. One of the inspirations for tech-levels that I was thinking of was The Expanse. However, this roleplay is designed to facilitate collective worldbuilding, and that's why I left it so vague. Beyond that guideline, I have no problem with you, as a player, making your tech as "black-boxy" as you feel comfortable with. Maybe you're an exogeology fan, and you love figuring out all the intracies involved in mining specific minerals from specific locations in the solar system, but can't be assed to figure out how the heck it's all powered. Therefore, you might have great detail about your nation's mining tech, and then just claim your flight tech is "Epstein Drives" and leave it at that. [b]I, most of all, encourage you to steal ideas from each other. If one nation has a good solution for power, then it's probable (with the other player's permission) that other nations would use the same tech. We do it all the time in real life.[/b] [hr] [@Raylah]I mention that vital resources are hard to come by because I want the disappearance of Earth to be a Big Deal[sup]TM[/sup]. I love that you've identified other important problems - like tidal forces and lack of magnetospheres and genuinely fun things to think about. Please, go into as much or as little detail as you'd like to try and solve/ignore them! [color=#FF00FF]Realism is arbitrary when giant, cosmic-horror, pseudomagical beings made Earth disappear.[/color] Biohacking and cyborging and augmented reality and other such things are, again, up to you. They're certainly within the realm of possibility. As far as longerm effects, we've had ~200 years of space habitation, so, again, it's something you could include in your nation. As far as size, try not to claim half the solar system. I guess a guideline is no more than one entire planetary gravity well, but most likely a spread between several different moons/planets/asteroids/space stations in different locations. As long as there's reasonable room for other players, it's probably good. The solar system is a [i]big[/i] place. Earth is already enormous, and there's [i]lots[/i] more places besides Earth. As far as energy and space-fuel, I lean toward things that encourage player interaction and/or trade. So, I like the idea of fuel. Trade is one of the major reasons I included an "economic overview" section in the nation sheet.