[i][/i][color=f7941d][h3]Romaní Bogart [/h3][/color][sub] [i]Strength Blares When the Candles Fade[/i] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eBmO09MSi0]theme[/url] [@Typical][@Savo][@LetMeDoStuff][@Letter Bee][@Conscripts][/sub][hr] This was a mess. Placing it in simple matter cemented the totality of how crazy everything seemed to unfold before his eyes. To some extent, his ears stopped registering whatever was being said, or happening before him. Scanning to the upmost best of his ability, nothing that was happening seemed normal. Everyone looked to be strangers to one another, yet the only ones who were truly any respectful to one another was Laurence, who quickly after handing Romaní his notes made way towards the distance leaving with what he suspected to be a mouthful of a piece of his mind. And and the blonde girl who for the longest just sat there listening intently to what everyone had to say. To that extent, another student joined the fray and was understandably annoyed by the two before him. They were making a ruckus and honestly they did needed to be stop. But the small blonde guy had stepped his foot and began to speak even more ridiculous nonsense. Antidote? Thought Romaní in the span of it all, finally realizing that this must be some type of gag or set up. He stared down for a second towards the Jet black haired teen to see if he could pick up any semblance of thought or even anything remotely indicating this was a prank. But nothing seemed to have peered from his features that wasn't a pure sense of 'being over it' After all of this, the blond girl finally spoke out. And what seemed to be for Romaní to have initially been another witness in this fruitless chaos, had actually some import on the matter. Apparently, from what he understood, this kid whom now swarmed the new guy had been trying to convince her to make some antidote? For what? Does the school even have something so exotic as a scientific laboratory with all the necessary components and items for them to form something like an antidote? For anything? Was that course even held in here!? For a second Romaní had lost himself in his sense of reality and thought that he probably was transported to Hogwarts or the like. He half expected for the books to fly off the shelves and start flapping their pages around, attempting to keep themselves afloat. Whilst all the portraits and headings resembling some type of life on them would move and gesture in the process. Confused and utterly mesmerized by the absurdity of them all, Romaní had thought that this were aliens attempting some sort of human conversation. Mikhail had began to utter more gibberish in the span of what seemed to be a minute, Romaní picked up bits and pieces and his skepticism rose for a bit. Something about his father being killed by toxin's and not being able to trust forensics or the police about it... Romaní nodded once, twice, three times before realizing what was happening. [i]They are all insane.[/i] After forming that conclusion it was as if the sailor realized that the storm was over, there was a clearness in his mind and a laughter that followed. It made perfect sense why the altercation was happening, the veritable yet large misunderstandings and why he didn't get anything. They all just needed to be placed into some mental asylum! To some extent he realized now that he held Laurence's notes in his hands, he didn't need to give him the entirety of the notebook, he was just gonna take pictures of it and then rewrite it on his when he got home. He didn't want to impose too much, but he supposed that Laurence didn't give much or a care whether it was one way or the other. Storing it neatly on his hand bag, and attaining with ease what he needed, he would be on his way. Taking advantage of his lack of notoriety, he would make his way, out of the way, and leave. Notability was the crux of everything in the world, and these people were at the helm of it at the moment. They were battling for... something and people were begging to stare. Romaní cursed his lack of attention, but similarly welcomed the awkwardness. It was a change of pace to what is, or perhaps was, up until now just another boring day. [color=f7941d]"Well, I guess this is my out then?"[/color] He spoke to himself, reassuring that the times called to move on forward. He wanted to interject, but similarly, placing his hand on the scar on top of his head, he decided not to. He looked at all the students one final time, the smile dissipated from his lips. He could've sworn, actually, that he knew these people from somewhere. At least the blond guy and the dark haired one. He shrugged and changed his view towards Merja, who said that she saw some type of... kindness on Mikhail. Romaní remained silent for a moment, and proceeded to the entry way of the Library where there was a machine that served coffee. He wasn't much of a coffee guy, but he did enjoy a latte everyone once in awhile. He proceeded to order it and place two strips of paper around the cup as to not burn his fingers. Adding a spoon of sugar and a small straw, spinning it and blowing of the steam of the top. The cream was making its way to the top and he returned to the table the people were in before. It seems the conversation hasn't ended. He looked at Merja before leaning closer shielding his lips so that they wouldn't be read and whispering near her ear. [color=f7941d]"Sorry you had to go through this. But it's cool that you see it with the best of intentions. Here, you deserve at least something for your troubles. It's a basic latte with one spoon of sugar on it and cream."[/color] Perhaps as a means of apologizing for his initial thought on all of them, although the other two seemed hellbent on something, Laurence and Merja seemed kind. [color=f7941d]"Take care."[/color] He wished he had enough time to thank Laurence as well, but it seems the opportunity escaped him. He slip the cup towards Merja's direction and smiled, before leaving towards the door and thinking about what to do with the rest of his day.