Penelope gave a small nod as Crow pointed out that she'd be fine now that Eldon has left. With that in mind, she didn't head straight for the door and instead took a moment to try and wake up more. She was just beginning to roll her shoulders when Preston spoke up and caught her attention. Her eyes widened slightly as the attendant reminded her that someone would be coming to take over her guard shift soon. Between her weariness and all that had been going on that morning, it had slipped her mind to worry about getting out of the room before the next guard showed up. She cringed at the thought of the next guard already being stationed in the corridor. She needed to get going. As Crow spoke, she nodded her head in agreement and began to make her way to the door. "Hopefully they haven't already." she sighed and opened the door to poke her head out. Luckily the corridor was empty now and she let out a breath of relief. She glanced over her shoulder at Crow and offered him a small smile. "Looks like I lucky this time. I 'll see you later, Crow." With that said, she hurried out into the corridor and quickly resumed her guard position. Fortunately, she made it just in time as footsteps from down the corridor caught her attention. The next guard had appeared and was making his way over to her. Upon seeing him, she dipped her head and exchanged spots with him as she headed off down the staircase. As she made her way down, the knight began to debate whether to go to the Great Hall or not. She was hungry but she was also quite tired and had a midday shift to be concerned about. In an ideal world, she could have grabbed something to eat and then slept the day away, however that unfortunately wasn't an option at the moment. As she neared the Great Hall, the knight wavered for a moment before ultimately deciding to head inside for breakfast. [i]I'll just have a quick bite and then sleep the rest of the morning.[/i] she decided as she made her way over to an empty table. She sat down a bit heavily and leaned against the table as she waited for her meal.