[center] [h1][color=yellow][b][u]Karamir[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [/center] Karamir's cloak had indeed granted him an immense amount of speed, and as it happened that speed was somewhat faster than Arryn's. He had tried to stay in pace with the bird, but every now and then he simply couldn't resist zooming ahead, and then waiting for the bird to catch up. Arryn was understandably annoyed. He passed trees, rocks, and mountains - nothing unusual. Until now: he found himself before a most unusual sight. [color=yellow]"What on Galbar is this?"[/color] Before Karamir was a rickety blue staircase, spiraling up into the heavens. Why? Curious, he began to ascend, shooting upward into the sky. It passed by like a blur, as he shot up into the clouds. Up, and up, and up. The stairs seemed to have no end, and then he suddenly stopped, noticing that a detail in the passing blur had changed. The stairs were now covered in sharp, twisted spikes. And then he realized he couldn't breathe. He would have to head back down soon, he realized. He did not have long. And so he flew into the staircase, taking care to avoid the deadly spikes, and slowly began to ascend, flying circularly and diagonally. And suddenly, the world began to shift around him. He was no longer on stairs, but on solid ground, and he could breathe again. There were stone pillars all around. He glanced upward, but could not see what was at the top. Karamir had seen more than his fair share of oddities in Diana's nightmares and at the Palace of Dreams, but this... this was something else. Spheres were supposed to serve a purpose. What purpose did this place serve? Was there any logic to it? He began to wander, brushing his hands against the pillars as he passed. At one pillar he looked up, and saw that it was bent at an angle - his gaze followed it, and as he saw its tip he realized it was not a pillar, but instead a giant spike. Were these all spikes, like the ones on the stairway? He attempted to fly to the very top of the 'pillars', shooting upward at a quick speed. Minutes passed. Then hours. Still he could not see the tops. He was not getting anywhere, he realized. Defeated, it was time to go back down. He began to descend. Within seconds, the cold stone ground came up to meet his feet. [color=yellow]"What..."[/color] he gaped in astonishment. None of this made sense. Karamir sucked in a deep breath. [color=yellow]"Okay, no,"[/color] he told himself. [color=yellow]"You've been in strange situations before. You've known suffering before. You've known isolation before."[/color] He would not let one strange location defeat him so easily. A quick look around revealed no sign of the way he came in. That was an even greater cause for concern, but he suppressed the panic and instead tried to fill himself with resolve. This was but a temporary setback. There was a way out of here. There had to be. Or had he, once again, gone out of the river and into the ocean? He supposed he would find out. But there was no use giving up, or giving in. So he chose a direction at random and began to walk. [hr] [hider=Post Summary] Karamir is heading west with Arryn to leave the Tendlepog and Swahhiteh region. Because his cloak is faster than Arryn, he can't help but zoom ahead from time to time, much to Arryn's annoyance. On one of these unauthorized forays, he winds up encountering the Staircase, and so he chooses to fly to the top. Eventually he reaches a point where the stairs become spikes and he can no longer leave. Before heading down he decides to quickly take a closer look, examining the spikes and the staircase itself. The world then shifts around him, and he finds himself in the Infinite Maze - which is filled with colossal spikes that he initially perceives as pillars. He attempts to fly to the top, but after hours of flight there is not an end in sight. He then decides to go back down, only to hit the ground in a matter of seconds. Oh, and he can't see the way in. Confused to all hell, he has no choice but to continue wandering. [/hider] [hider=Prestige Summary] [u]Karamir[/u] [b]Beginning Prestige:[/b] 11 +1 for minor role. +1 for major role. [b]Ending Prestige:[/b] 13 [/hider]