Drake went to answer before everything happened. He raised his eyebrow at Alisters interaction with the young male. He smiled softly at Leo, "Drake, its a pleasure." He said as he sat down beside Alister. "Pay no attention to the shirt, I feel like it's Becca's doing." He looked back to Leo and thought about what he wanted, "Pancakes?" He asked with a small smile, "And a hot chocolate if you have it. Chocolate pancakes if I could as well." He said before he looked back at Alister. "This is a cute place." He started, looking around before resting his eyes on the Vampire again, "You have interesting taste in friends." He said with a smile before he looked away again, "Although I can't say much, a Dusk Fae and an Elf aren't two people you would thing are working with a Werebeast." [hr] Andrew smiled softly as she mentioned being flattered, he blinked as she disappeared and reappeared, "Man, you can do that just whenever you want!" He said, "I have to focus most of my energy onto it." He said with a small sigh. He smiled as she asked where they were going, "Dark Vail Forest." He said with a grin, "Funnily enough, My speciality!"