[h3]Monster Party[/h3] As Ash willed the tiny particle within the Mana Orb to move, this one that she grabbed at random had taken on a red color...But as it moved back towards the center of the orb, it lost its color and became clear again. Ash placed it within the center of the model, and concentrated... The Mana Orb crackled, and shrank down. Its light became brighter, even though its size became smaller. Ash didn't feel any more of her MP drawn out into the spell, but somehow it just felt heavier. It had grown denser, more compact. Something told her that if she fired it, this Mana Orb might hit just a little bit harder. But otherwise, it didn't change. The excess particles that had hovered around the edge now stopped their expansion, and instead began to orbit. They had stopped changing colors too...some of them still had different hues, but they were very light and translucent... [quote=System:Torrent] Skill Lost: Poison Breath II Skill Lost: Fire Breath II Skill Gain: Wurm Breath I (1.15)! Unleash a burning miasma that inflicts Fire Damage, and has a chance to Poison the target. Or, unleash a searing stream that inflicts Acid Damage, and has a chance to Burn the target. Unlike other breath types, this breath cannot yet change its shape, but instead changes its elemental properties. The default form is a condensed stream, with a range of 10 feet. Its Fire Damage is slightly greater than Fire Breath I, and if Poison is inflicted its Rate of Damage is slightly greater than that inflicted by Poison Breath I. Its Acid Damage is slightly greater than Poison Breath I, and if Burn is inflicted its Rate of Damage is slightly greater than that inflicted by Fireball I. You used Magic Analysis I! ---Wurm Breath--- A True Hybrid Skill. Hybrid Skills or Spells may combine two different elements, qualities, or abilities. True Hybrid Skills make use of Mana and Stamina simultaneously, but are typically stronger than a Hybrid Skill due to this increased cost. This Skill can cause Fire, Acid, and Poison Damage. The flames are magical, but the Acid and Poison are physical. It consumes more MP than Fire Breath I did, and more Stamina than Poison Breath I, at the same time. [/quote] When Torrent took a deep breath and unleashed her new skill into the stream, the flames were a dark purple in color and seemed...heavier. There were some fumes mixed in with the burning miasma, but they rolled along the ground like dense fog rather than dissipating in the air, and smelled of sulfur and methane. This thick stream of poisonous flame hit the stream water, and caused a huge cloud of violet steam to rise and carry eastward with the wind. It was lucky Oberon had moved further upstream and Digbie had, at this point, headed back to the base. The water boiled for a bit until Torrent halted her technique, and doing so left her slightly light-headed due to the double drain on her MP and Stamina. Once she had gotten her breath back and thought about what to try out next, she drew some of the now-slightly-tainted water into her mouth. She could feel what was left of her mana circulate as she concentrated. The inside of her mouth grew warm. She visualized her goal, focused her power, then drew in more air before spraying the water between her scaly lips. It went further than she might have thought it possible for her to spit, and the water did seem to be slightly more pressurized. And she could feel her Mana draining, just slightly, so it was highly likely some form of skill was developing...but to what degree? As always, it seemed more practice, possibly with a different method, would be in order. [quote=System:Oberon] You used Magic Analysis IV! ---Wurm Breath--- A True Hybrid Skill. Hybrid Skills or Spells may combine two different elements, qualities, or abilities. True Hybrid Skills make use of Mana and Stamina simultaneously, but are typically stronger than a Hybrid Skill due to this increased cost. This Skill can cause Fire, Acid, and Poison Damage. The flames are magical, but the Acid and Poison are physical. Unleash a burning miasma that inflicts Fire Damage, and has a chance to Poison the target. Or, unleash a searing stream that inflicts Acid Damage, and has a chance to Burn the target. It seems like it only reaches out about ten feet. It's clearly stronger than some of the other poison or fire related abilities you've seen. Water or Earth spells would be the best at cancelling it out or blocking it, whereas Wind spells might help dissipate some of the poisonous fumes. It would likely be very effective against Ice and Metal elements. [/quote] When Oberon used the standing pool off to one side of the stream, he found that the Mana Orb no longer dissipated in his hand. It collected the energy from within the water just as he wished, and the magic took on a more solid blue color. However, it seemed...light. Water had weight to it, just like earth did. The Mana Orb was too floaty, too nebulous, to behave like water. Before Oberon dismissed it and went over to analyze what Torrent was doing, the sensation of the partially formed Aqua Sphere might remind him somewhat of his attempts to form the Mana Dart. It seemed like so long ago now, back then in the cave. Meanwhile, Digbie satisfied his hunger and thirst, then set off to the east to follow what he thought were the signs of his supernatural Guidance. He would be following the stream for the most part, it seemed...Back to where the group had first found those Rubber Frogs, and heard that growling from a nearby den. He didn't hear it this time--it seemed he had lucked upon this creature's territory while it was either out hunting, or perhaps sleeping off its lunchtime meal. Further, and he came upon the charred remains of a large plant. This had a certain reptilian lady's handiwork all over it. The dried remains were little more than ash in the wind at this point, though--and they still floated to the east. Digbie went on further, and suddenly his Alert skill sent a chill down his spine! Assuming he hid himself in the bushes, behind a tree, or whatever he could do, he would see another new creature of the woods... It looked like a babboon, but the exposed skin of its face, hands, and buttocks were bright red. And instead of thick fur, this creature had broad, leaf colored scales all over its body. They didn't look like the reptilian scales of lizards either, but more like the hide of...what was that weird little creature from Australia called in his Old World? A Pangolin? In any case, the creature had a long tail that it used along with its hands to move through the trees...but it seemed injured. A deep, bloody gash had been carved in one of its legs, and it looked to be infected if the swelling and pus was any indication. The creature continued on, having not seen the Demiblin. The wind rustled the trees again, and still it blew to the east. Digbie continued, holding the White Yill like a compass. And several more minutes passed before he came upon a horrifying scene. Bodies, stripped of the majority of their belongings, among the scattered and torn remains of what had been left to them. They looked like they had been here for a couple of days. At least a dozen of them, goblins. And three [i]human[/i] bodies. One of them was a young man, at least 20 or so just by looking at his facial hair. A sword, its blade chipped and bent after being battered with something hard and heavy, lay next to his outstretched hand. All of his clothes had been taken, but a ring of interlocking chains still dangled around one elbow. So he had been wearing chain link armor at some point, but in the process of stripping it off of him, or maybe during battle, it had broken? One of his feet had been chopped almost in half as well--his toes still had a portion of a leather boot on them. A splintered wooden shield was still strapped to his arm, and it still had a stone tomahawk's head sticking out of it though the handle had been broken. His features were unrecognizable--the body had been beaten and mangled to a bloody pulp, and it looked like even a few bites had been taken out of him in places. The next was an older man, and he had been wearing a simple brown robe of some kind. But now all that was left of it was tatters. A thin chain that once held something around his neck had been snapped and broken. A leather satchel had been dumped out on the ground and tossed aside afterward. A stick of charcoal had been snapped in half under foot, a loose piece of parchment had been speared by a small wooden dart of some kind, and a leather bound book had several of its pages ripped out and was spattered with blood. Whatever weapon he had once used seemed like it had been stolen--it must have been something heavy, as there were drag marks leading away into the bushes. Unlike the other man, at least this fellow had been left with his underclothes. And his woven straw sandles were still on his feet as well. One of his hands was outstretched, as if reaching for something. A little wooden carving, of some sort? Like the other man, he had been beaten badly, but there was a sickly, splotchy discoloration to his skin...and it looked like there was a piece of vine looped around his ankle? It had been sawed through, but a few steps away another frayed piece of plant fiber snaked away into the bushes. A snare trap of some sort? The last human looked to be barely more than a teenager. Unlike the other two, it didn't look like he had put up much of a fight at all--none of the goblin bodies were near where he had fallen and the ground wasn't so torn up. The torn fabrics left on him seemed like they were higher quality, silks and spun cotton. Like the old man, his skin looked sick or infected. A wooden chest, with framework and straps to let it be carried on one's back, had fallen off of him when one strap had been cut. Its contents had been rummaged through, but a few things remained--some shattered bottles with a bit of different colored liquid, a few mushrooms with bright red and green spotted caps, and some blue flowers that had now wilted somewhat. As the eastern wind breezed through, it overturned a few leaves nearby and revealed a handful of scattered coins. The trees still rustled along the path as the zephyr snaked through them. But a single white petal fell from Digbie's head, and fell upon the body of the old man. [hr] [h3]Rat Party[/h3] [quote=System:Asteria] ((OOC: I didn't forget to do your Mana Sense and Mana Drain last turn, shut up >_> )) You used Mana Sense I! ---Myrminor Scout--- You feel the presence of Magical Power, but it is very unpronounced despite being present in an amount greater than your own. It feels neutral and natural to this creature's being; it is not being shaped. Your MP is full. You have gained Temporary Extra MP. Skill Rank Up: Mana Sense I > Mana Sense II (1.9 > 2.0)! Though this sense is still limited by the strength of your other senses, and it still interpreted in some way similar to the other senses (seeing auras, smelling traits of elements, etc), it is now a full sense in and of itself--even if you are blinded or deafened by some circumstance, Mana Sense can be used. Touching an object or creature under the effect of magic, whether its own or from some other source, is no longer required to sense the presence of that magical effect so long as the target is within 5 feet of you. Touching the target will still grant a greater level of detail. Skill Gain: Use Light Equipment (--)! Unranked Skill. Allows the use of smaller weapons, tools, and other items with a degree of proficiency. Requires opposable thumbs or some other method of actually holding the object. Size limitations may be relative. [/quote] The injured Scout turned to attack Asteria, but the Dire Rat was too fast for it. She ducked away from its snapping maw and battered at it with her tail, attempting to drive the Bloodingfly's probiscus in like a nail. The ant tried to bite her tail, but she avoided it again and pounced on the creature's back. As it bucked and twisted, unable to throw her off, Asteria tried to crush the creature. Then, she used her Telepathy in a new and unexpected fashion. As she forced her hatred, her rage, and even her fear through the insect's mind, it suddenly went stock still. Its antennae extended straight up, and the creature's legs simply buckled under it. It didn't seem damaged, really...but it was like Asteria had interrupted some kind of...connection? Bunching up her tiny paws into fists, she hammered the needle in further. With a crunch it broke the rest of the way through the exoekeleton, and came out at an angle piercing one of the bug's huge compound eyes. With a squeal, the creature went down and began to twitch in its death throes. Meanwhile, the big Myrminor heard Ed's roar and turned, raising its clawed arms to catch the Rat Man's powerful fists. The Worker was strong, stronger than expected, but Ed's rage still drove his blows through its guard. He managed a glancing blow on its head, knocking the creature back a few steps. Then, with a yowling cry, Mother Rat dove onto the insect's back! She began biting and tearing at its neck, and though the Dire Rat was smaller, the species' characteristic strength in its jaws proved enough to crack open the chitinous hide. Blood poured from the wound--but with a mighty jerk, the Worker was able to swing her off! While it was distracted though, Ed would be able to get another hit on it--no doubt by this point his rage had consumed him, so it was a sure bet he would be coming in swinging. The Ratman's crushing blow knocked the worker flat on its back, but when Mother Rat tried to capitalize on this, the bulbous stinger flexed up at her! She avoided taking a clean hit, twisting in mid-leap, but the stinger still caught her side! Blood flowed, mixed with something green, and Mother Rat screeched and whined in agony when she hit the ground. She kicked her feet, but couldn't seem to get up--! The Worker's powerful mandibles snapped as it charged towards Ed, its greater weight turning it into a freight train of armor with sharp fangs... [hr] [h3]Ghost Party[/h3] [quote=System:Danny] You attempted to use Magic Analysis I and Mana Vision I! The target is too far away! The target is using extremely powerful magic, you can almost sense it from here... ---V_r__l W__e--- Hi_g_l_ _dv_n_ed sp__l us_d by ch_n_e_li__ m_gic th_ou__ a w__p__. Req_ir_s ex__e__ raw p_we_ but a___ pr_c___ c_n__ol, a__ is _ore _i__i__l_ to _s_ w___o__ a b_a__d _d__. At _h__ lev__, it m_st __ __ t__ hi__e__ of __nks or su__a__ed the __m__. [/quote] Danny was able to eat the flesh of the Flak Beetle, though it had a bitter taste and an acrid burn going down the throat. His Aqua Sphere drew enough water from the air that he could get himself a drink, though it was little more than a gulp. Maybe if he attempted this same strategy on something full of moisture he would have better luck, but for now it would do. When he tried to see the cause of the huge explosion, he could only catch the barest tail end of the blue light. What his skill told him, however, was garbled and unclear. Moments later, the dark clouds that had gathered somewhere north by northwest of them cleared away like they had never been there. But now, sounds were alive throughout the woods...Danny could see, between the trees, several different creatures all running away from whatever that had been. They weren't hunting or invading territory, they just wanted to get the hell out of Dodge. A harried looking pixie flew up through the treetops over them, not paying any attention at all, and the shadow of something bigger trundled off through the trees about fifty feet to Danny's right, heading south. The local ecosystem might be in some chaos for a while, after something like this... Meanwhile, Jason continued to try and possess the slime's corpse, though he could feel his MP starting to drain faster again. His mind raced. He was experimenting, yet going with the flow at the same time. He had no guarantee this would work...what if it left him off worse than before? Then that explosion shook his concentration, and the bite of fear ate away at him. He pushed again, not just allowing the tendrils of his form to fully invade the corpse, but trying to push his essence into the body with sheer force of will. The Shield contained him, it seemed, forming another anchor within the Slime's dissolving innards... That black and white world pushed at the edges of his vision. The tunnel got smaller, and smaller, and tighter... Pain. He could [i]feel[/i] [i][b]pain[/b][/i]! [quote=System:Jason] Skill Gain: Possession I (0.8 > 1.0)! Spend a variable amount of MP, then "lock" a separate amount of MP in the necessary bindings to possess a body. A spirit-class only Skill. The initial MP cost differs based on the strength of the target, the difficulty of possession, and other factors. This skill may not work at all on creatures of sufficient strength, or magical defenses, or other circumstances. The amount of MP necessary to bind the body differs based on the size and other qualities of the body. At this rank, you can only possess deceased bodies. If your new MP Total, the amount left after locking the body, is drained completely then the Possession will be canceled. If your body is destroyed or reduced to 0 HP while you are in it, your spirit will be ejected and you will lose MP based on the extent of the damage, possibly destroying any spirit form you possessed as well. The suitability of the body will determine how well you can manipulate it. At this rank you are unable to use or to unlock any skills the body formerly possessed. No matter what the species of the body you possess, it will become a Corporeal-class Undead. Skill Rank Up:[color=red]Taboo I > Taboo II (1.9 > 2.0)! The seed of evil grows within you.[/color] YOU HAVE TRANSFORMED! Ectoslime > Necroslime! Necroslime - Roughly the same in all categories as a normal slime, a Necroslime is a rare form of Undead. It is of limited use to any intelligent necromancer. Its body swells with the gases of decay and its internal acids become even stronger as bacteria and rot fester inside it. Your base stats have returned to normal levels! Locked Skills have increased! Certain skills are now usable again! Certain Spirit-class skills may not function the same way or may be decreased in effectiveness. Your Max MP has decreased due to Possession Lock. Current Skills: [s]Physical Damage Resistance I (1.0)[/s](0.4) [s]Warcry II (2.175)[/s](0.4) [s]Stone Shot II (2.6625)[/s](0.3) [s]Rock Spire II (2.075)[/s](0.3) [s]Tremor Sense II (2.425)[/s](0.5) [s]Soil Manipulation I (1.15)[/s](0.4) [s]Telepathy II (2.725)[/s](0.8) [s]Material Analysis I (1.2)[/s](0.3) [s]Magic Analysis I (1.55)[/s](0.8) [s]Monster Analysis I (1.55)[/s](0.5) [s]Mental Resistance I (1.55)[/s](0.7) [s]Charisma I (1.15)[/s](0.3) [s]Focus I (1.3)[/s](0.7) [s]Limited Shapeshift I (1.6)[/s](0.6) [s]Mind Wave I (1.2)[/s](0.5) [s]Spell Chant I (1.3)[/s](0.5) [s]Bounce I (1.15)[/s](0.4) [s]Faster I (1.05)[/s](0.4) [s]Blunt Resistance I (1.0)[/s](0.3) Spiritual Awareness II (2.25) Transparency I (1.5) Taboo II (2.0) Levitate (--) Guidance I (1.15) Mana Drain I (1.7) Meditate I (1.7) Mana Sense I (1.25) Shield I (1.1) Possession I (1.0) Earth Affinity (0.75) Wave Shock (0.1) Swift Swimmer (0.1) Aqua Sphere (0.7) Alert (0.2) Smash (0.5) Cleave (0.3) Blood Drain (0.8) Muffle (0.1) Crafting (0.3) Magic Resistance (0.75) Agriculture (0.3) Plant Analysis (0.3) Acid Spit (0.8) Fire Resistance (0.4) Fortify (0.2) Sensory Resistance (0.6) Mana Orb (0.7) Alchemy (0.4) Air Read (0.5) Keen Sight (0.2) Point Strike (0.2) Doze (0.1) Acid Resistance (0.1) Rabid Fit (0.4) Pierce Resistance (0.8) Lesser Cleanse (0.2) Dextrous (0.2) Quicken (0.3) Earth Wall (0.1) Stone Breaker (0.1) Iron Gullet (0.1) Slash Resistance (0.2) Earth Vein (0.6) Mana Shape (0.4) Lesser Force (0.3) Spell Cancel (0.1) Curse Word (0.1) Light Resistance (0.0125) Ghost Touch (0.3) [color=red]You are Ravenous. HP is Draining. You need Food. You are Ravenous. HP is Draining. You need Food. You are Ravenous. HP is Draining. You need Food.[/color] [/quote] "His" new stomach gurgled impatiently. "His" pseudopods reached out, grasping the edge of the hollow tree. He felt sunlight burning him, the pain of opening one's eyes to a too-bright sight but all over his body. But he was ALIVE! He was JASON! Echoing up from the depths of the tree, Danny heard it. Choking, gasping, blurbling laughter--like someone laughing through a mouthful of their own blood. When the voice spoke, the voice was full of phlegm and had no tongue... "Yeessgh...yessshh! YEEEESSSSSSSSSSH!" The black, noxious, gurgling slime rose from the depths... [hr] [h2]DEEP FOREST[/h2] [@Haeo][@Stabby][@RC3] [h3][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_6KiUyIoRs][b][color=gold]You are reborn.[/color][/b][/url][/h3] [img=1280,720]https://wallpapercave.com/wp/wp3276199.png[/img] Leaves rustle. Strange blue flowers glitter, as if covered in morning dew no matter the time of day. To the northwest, and to the east, if one travels far enough they can hear the rush of twin rivers. Moss creeps here and there, only where the pale fingers of sunlight poke through the canopy to reach the hard ground below. Though it seems quiet, in reality a tranquil harmony has formed between all the instruments of the forest. Birds, insects, shivering blades of grass, and the creaking boughs all meld into the orchestra of nature. But there are other creatures here as well... And they are many. Almost too many for this much space it seems, despite the lush resources of the deep wood. Creatures of all shapes and sizes, reptiles and mammals and flying things. Yet to call them beasts would be too simple. They are too varied in form to be classified by the same typologies one would use for nature--they do not follow the same rules in their beings, nor in their interactions. They are...aberrations? Deviations? Monsters. Different pairs of small, humanoid figures with gossamer wings and brightly colored hair, flutter in and out of hollows in the great trees. The Pixies giggle and buzz among themselves, every so often drifting down towards the ground to pick the strange blue flowers. Occasionally, as one draws too close to a hollow log, or a burrow hidden between rocks, a growling Dire Rat or hissing Fanged Lizard lunges out with teeth bared. An unwary Pixie could even find itself attacked by rotund balls of moving goop. The Slimes had plenty of plantlife to feed on here, and often grew large and slow...but if they waited, carefully slithering and hiding in places that solid-bodied creatures couldn't fit into, they could make quite the ambush predator. Spheres of glowing light, feather soft around the edges and leaving trails of shimmering ozone, rise up through the tangled network of the treetops. Every so often, one crackles angrily and zooms down at some unlucky creature, launching sparkling displays of magical fury. But despite how many creatures lived together in this ecosystem, they seem wary to venture too far from their dens, or to forage overmuch for food and shelter. Why? It likely has something to do with the worn trails one finds here and there. Though never traveling in a straight line, and never in an orderly fashion, the trail makes a rough circle of sorts that winds for a long, long time around this area of the woods. And the creatures that made this trail often patrol it, searching for anything they can find to slaughter and devour. The weaker creatures have learned to avoid them. Though they too are weak, they have numbers, and weapons. The stronger monsters have either been brought down--though not without casualty--or simply avoid the territory. The weaker monsters are trapped within it, for they dare not risk crossing the trail overmuch and running into the hunters. These hunters, of course, are the last of our many basic monsters--the Goblins. There are many, far more than their rivals in the cave a day or so's journey away. Up until recently, they were quite successful...but, long unbeknownst to the forest's new arrivals, this was the doing of the previous generation. Those Goblins are gone now...though they leave quite the legacy behind. Still, the greenskins are nothing to scoff at for other weakling monsters. Especially not their two leaders...the Hobgoblin and the Redcap. The Hobgoblin has sharp eyes, constantly watching, constantly planning. He wears armor all over his body, made from the bones of various creatures strung together with bits of twine and sinew. Necklaces and bracelets of claws and fangs adorn him. Standing at four and a half feet tall, he towers over many of the goblins. His build is more muscular than theirs as well, but more impressive is how leanly toned he is; his face, too, is more refined. Though his ears are still long and his nose still pointy, and two fangs jut from his lower lip, he has much more hair than other Goblins to soften these features. It is so black that it appears blue, and roughly spikes about his head like a wild mane. His skin is a much darker shade of green, less saturated, but he has painted himself with various blue and white tattoos using dyes likely made from plantlife. He carries a spear, holding it close as if afraid to be without it for even a moment. Its haft is made from a sturdy branch, not the gnarled things many other goblins cling to, and its point seems to made of a purple, jagged horn that comes to a devious tip. Yet near its base the horn branches somewhat, more like an antler...and skewered through two of the small points near its base, four on each side, are eyeballs that have somehow hardened and now shine like red and orange gemstones. The Redcap's skin is his namesake's color, and while he too has a full head of hair it is solid white. There is much less of his build to be seen, though it is slightly broader and more muscular than his companion's if not as tall. He wears dark furs, blacks and greys, fashioned into a long shirt and pants--even a cloak. He too wears accessories made of small bones, fangs, and claws strung together with vines. His weapons look simple at first glance, knives made out of stone--but they are larger and sharper than most of the other stones in the area. The mountains are far to the west of this tribe's territory. Did he brave all that way, all the challenges along that road, to find those stones and make better weapons? Like the Hobgoblin, his features are less grotesque than the other Goblins...but his scowl and glare have a palpable cynicism. It is a common sight to see these two fighting amongst themselves. The other Goblins, especially three larger ones who can be seen barking the orders when these two are distracted, often circle up and chant or cheer. The Redcap is always the challenger, the Hobgoblin always the defender...and the victor. When the tribe unites for some other purpose, however, the Redcap seems to begrudgingly obey. No matter their rivalry, the Goblins always stick together. Thus, the Hobgoblin is their Boss from now, until the day he allows himself to be seen as unfit...and he is too crafty, too determined, for that. Thus far, this is all you have seen... [hr] It has been 12 days since your new life began. Or at least, that’s what you believe based on what natural light you see and the apparent sleep cycles of other creatures you’ve observed. For some of you the first week was as if coming out of a deep sleep. Groggily, you acted on auto-pilot until those first few primal needs were met, but now you have truly awakened to your predicament. Some of you had to grow a bit before you could really accomplish anything. Some of you had to find a place to hide, or a source of easy food and water, before you could relax and really begin to examine your surroundings. But now you think you’ve got the hang of it. You’re probably not fully grown yet, but all of these creatures are the type of lower life forms that live fast and die faster, so your maturation rate matches that pace. And now, with an understanding of what you are...it seems like it’s the right time to figure out [i]where[/i] you are, and where you’re [i]going[/i] from here… Of immediate note in your surroundings are four things: The strange [color=lightblue]blue flowers[/color], which pop up here and there in clusters among the rocks or catch the eye every so often from vines crawling up the trees; the [color=lightgreen]green herbs[/color] growing so thickly in one large, peaceful clearing that many creatures avoid due to its lack of cover; the large, [color=darkgreen]elder tree[/color] that climbs higher than any of the others, being so large that six goblins can't wrap their arms around it; and finally, the [color=red]ramshackle lean-tos[/color] around which you see the shadows of a few goblins... Oh, and just now there was that [color=yellow]HUGE EXPLOSION[/color] from the mountains in the distant West... "Da FUGG was dat!?" Long stone knives met the wooden shaft of a spear as the two goblin leaders dueled. The one with blue paint jumped backward, glancing towards the cloud of debris in the distance. The one in the dark fur stayed where he was, but turned all the way around to look. The Hobgoblin could have ended the fight then, but they were both too drawn to what had just happened. "Big magic! BIIIIIG magic!" From the crowd of goblins gathered around them, an Elder shuffled out, using a Gnarled Stick as a cane. This goblin, a male, bore the wrinkles and droopy ears of a long life, and his rheumy eyes had seen a great deal. He was no longer strong enough to fight, but his experience was invaluable--all fifteen years of it. "A Big Demon, or sum udda real-strong ting, has come to da forest!" "Does we needs ta run, Boss?!" "Wut we gonna do!?" "Why dey comin' here?! We didn't do nuttin' to no big demons!" "Shaddup!" It was the Redcap that silenced them, while the Hobgoblin leaned on his spear and seemed to be considering the situation. "Dat big boom come from over near da Broked Towah gobs! I bets Rags Nar just got his poop pushed in!" He turned to the Boss. "No need ta run! Let's go kick dey butts now dat dey weak!" The Hobgoblin opened his eyes suddenly, and pointed his spear back towards the lean-tos. "Everygob, get to da camp! We talks later!" When the others didn't move, he snarled at them and swung his spear for emphasis. The crowd started to disperse in a chaotic mess. Just as they were getting out of the way, however, a multitude of creatures suddenly came flying out of the bushes! A Bowhorn Deer leaped clear over the Hobgoblin, and he crouched down and prepared to strike. Behind the deer, a big green slime rolled on through, and after that came a Wisp. The Hob still stood his ground, and every creature parted around him. They were running scared, afraid of whatever had caused the explosion. The last to emerge from the bushes was a neon-blue haired Pixie--which gasped just once before the tip of the spear impaled it, all the way through. The Hobgoblin pulled his weapon out and turned around. The Redcap smirked as he held up a beheaded Dire Rat he had caught by its tail, letting the blood spill onto the ground. [b]All around the forest, creatures were high-tailing it despite their fear of goblins, or the smell of other monsters' territories. For the creatures hiding in the trees, they passed below harmlessly. Those who were smart among the predators, as well as the goblins, would soon figure out that while the danger wasn't immediate for them, it presented a unique opportunity in which the prey came to [i]them[/i]...[/b]