Asura kept analyzing his work as he progressed. The pieces breaking didn't bother him. Stones were common, and if more deer showed up the bones would be just as common. How many bones were in a deer anyway? He'd figure that out later on. Fresh bones would make okay armor if they were secured well enough. Maybe attach them to a hide shell? Meh, either way, focus on what he had now not on what he didn't have. He was taking note what his bile innards were doing to the bones. It seemed these wouldn't last long in his body despite not actively digesting them. The system let him know that since he didn't have a crafting skill, his end results would be poorer and unknown. Great, he'd just have to make things to know more and be better. Attaching some shard of stone that he had whittled into points to the jaw bone he spat it out. Blunt and piercing, potentially a decent saw-like tool. That was why he had been drilling holes into the underside of the jaw. A little satisfied with his work he was about to say something to Ardur when the mountain decided to explode. He had [b]just[/b] caught sight of something flying towards it before it exploded. [color=red]"Alright time to move, go, go, go, go!"[/color] He exclaimed. Explosions had shrapnel. Giant explosions had giant shrapnel. So Asura did the smart thing and rolled his way down into the forest so the thick and dense trees would take on any flying bits and boulders. He so didn't care that Mother Slime almost cussed. While he moved though he tried to make Stamina Furnace kick in. He was trying to 'over fill' his Stamina to potentially make that unknown amount grow larger. He was already a Stamina fiend for his level and 'age', but having more was better than having less since it was his only real energy resource.