"Oh! Hello!" Saya's face immediately brightened as a cute kitty came into view. "There?" Only for it to turn rapidly to confusion as the cat turned to hissing and growling at her. "Uuuuuh... I don't remember petting any dogs today. Why are you so mad at me?" Saya knelt down to face the kitty down low, a bewildered expression on her face. "See, I don't smell. Or... Wait, maybe I do?" Saya held her hand out for the cat for a moment before bringing it back to her face for a quick sniff, that left her just as puzzled as before. As Nico turned the corner and recovered her frustrated feline, Saya rose to greet her with an equally apologetic smile. "Aha, cats, right? Who can understand 'em? Truly mysterious creatures." She tried as best she could to play it off with a little laughter. "I mean, yeah, I don't blame you for not being on the watch for this. Pretty bizarre." Saya waved her hands as if she could somehow make the awkwardness go away. But considering she was still holding her Hex Symbol in one of her hands, it would probably just make things more alarming for anyone who knew what such things meant.