Posting my WIP just in case someone wants to debate over the solar system history part - I can change pretty much anything if it collides with other people's sheets. [hider=The Icy Frontier Collective] [u]Name of Nation:[/u] The Icy Frontier Collective [u]Location:[/u] The Frontier Base on Ganymede (Jupiter’s moon) [u]Summary-in-a-Sentence:[/u] Newly formed nation focused on industry [u]Government Description:[/u] Authoritarian socialism Surviving in harsh conditions has never been easy, it requires people to be united towards common goals. Democracy, even at its best days, has always caused friction and infighting, a luxury one cannot afford when trying to build a nation in such a remote and hostile part of the solar system. The main ruling body of the Collective is the Council - seven people who decide over everything and anything important. Originally, all seven were the leaders of the revolution, but some were replaced over the last two decades due to old age or (‘natural’) death. The peace is kept by the Sheriffs, a police force tasked with both upholding the laws and solving crimes and also with tracking down enemies of the state. The Bureau is taking care of all the bureaucracy, from citizen evidence through all the production to trade and other offworld activities. It makes sure that everyone has a job, enough food and an assigned place to live. [u]Economic Overview:[/u] The vital part of the Collective’s economy is industry and trade. As the base is located in a thick layer of ice above an enormous subsurface ocean, a large system of pumps and tubes is in place to extract the water and deliver it to the refineries located in upper levels of the base, close to the surface. The water is used to create oxygen, pumped into barrels after being purified into drinkable quality and most importantly used to synthesize rocket fuel. Until the revolution the Far Reach Corpotation handled all traffic to and off the planet, as well as all the trade with manufactured goods. When the independence was declared, one of the first obstacles for the Council to overcome was to create alternative delivery routes for both import and export, hire cargo ships and crews and find customers for their goods. The latter showed to be an easy task, as the demand for oxygen and fuel was always high this far from Earth. In time, the Icy Frontier Collective was able to assemble a smaller fleet of cargo ships and secured trading with multiple trade stations and colonies. [u]Military Overview:[/u] [u]Cultural Overview:[/u] [u]History:[/u] The Frontier Base was established at the beginning of the 22nd century when humanity started to expand into further into the solar system and required a refueling and resupply station to be placed behind the asteroid belt. The Far Reach Corporation, at the time the technological leader in the area of space travel and inhabitation, was tasked to construct a small space station positioned in a safe distance from Jupiter’s deadly magnetosphere to which ships could safely fly and refuel without having to land, and a base positioned on one of the planet’s moons, capable of retrieving water from surface or below and manufacturing oxygen and fuel. The Far Reach employed the best scientists and tasked them to solve seemingly impossible problem - how to put a human habitat on an icy rock in space, that is continuously bathed in deadly radiation, surface temperatures are around -200°C at most times, and Jupiter’s large gravity well draws all kinds of asteroids, which then often hit its moons. But there was water present, and when you have water, you can make oxygen and you can make fuel, which, coincidentally, also means that you can make a fortune. And when there is money involved, no problem is unsolvable. Eventually the plans were completed and several ships filled with building materials and automated machinery headed towards Ganymede, the biggest of Jupiter's moons. The first part of the base construction had to have been fully automated - the base would be buried deep in the planet’s ice crust to protect the habitat from radiation on the surface, but it took several years to build before it was ready to accept its first human inhabitants. The pioneers arrived to the base in 2128. They were all experts in their respective fields - builders and architects with experiences from constructing colonies on Luna, Mars or Venus, technicians to maintain the generators and life support systems, doctors, scientists in various fields like geology, chemistry or astronomy. Their goal was simple - to determine the best ways to extract water either from the planet’s surface or from the enormous subsurface ocean, refine it into fuel and then safely dispatch it to the new space station. There were 74 people in the original group, but before the base was declared fully operational in 2144 that number grew to over 2.500. The habitat was expanded greatly to accommodate the rising population, adding not only new utility areas, but also places to have fun and relax, including large biodomes simulating the natural environment on Earth (except for the gravity, which was approximately on the same level as on Luna). Incidentally, this rise in ‘luxury’ also caused another spike in population, as the company employees were allowed to bring families and fully relocate to Ganymede. At the end of the 22nd century, the Frontier Base was fully self-sufficient in the most important areas such as energy, air, water or food, but a lot of things still had to have been imported - mainly building materials and ores from various mining stations throughout the solar system. And, of course, anything that was considered ‘luxurious’ on Ganymede came from Earth - things as simple as organic fabrics (especially wool, as the sheep and llamas don’t do well in low gravity environments), certain fruits or vegetables, or more complicated like specialized tools or medicines. At that time a second generation of Frontierans was born, people who have never been to Earth or other places and considered Ganymede to be their home planet. The result was a spike in nationalism and growing discontent with the Far Reach Corporation who continued to receive all the profits created by the base, giving only a small portion back via supplies, wages and necessary repairs to the infrastructure. By the year of 2228 the population stabilized at around 4.500 people and after two severe accidents regarding the outdated life support systems, people started openly protesting against Far Reach. The first protests were peaceful, but after the company tried to suppress them with force, more and more people started joining in, all leading to an open revolution in 2232. During three days of blood and violence all of the Corporation security forces were defeated and the rebels officially declared independence from any outer powers. Anyone who wouldn’t pledge allegiance to the newly formed nation was either imprisoned and forced to work or executed. The Far Reach tried to retake the base several times, but the hostile surface provided perfect protection, all the citizens had to do was to cut off all the entry points and defend them for a couple of days, before the invaders had to give up. The Corporation tried to avoid damaging the base in hopes of reclaiming it and resuming operations, but when they haven’t been successful, they decided that if they can’t have the base, no one will have it. The decision has been made to bombard the surface from orbit, destroying the settlement and everything in it. Fortunately other corporations, nations and colonies from the region stepped in and prevented the attack, as Frontier Base was one of the main fuel suppliers in the area and the war for independence has already created a shortage on local markets. Far Reach was forced to back out and without its main source of income it soon went bankrupt. Meanwhile, the new nation was formed, finding its place in the system’s economy and diplomacy, forming its own laws, regulations and necessary bureaucracy, attempting to start building their own battle fleet, just in case someone else comes to take their home. [/hider]