For a few moments, Youmu was a little mind-boggled by the information she had received. She'd never heard of anything called the Time and Space Administration Bureau. It certainly sounded impressive, but beyond that the half-phantom samurai gardener hadn't the faintest clue just what it actually could be. Well, it sounded like it was some kind of official organization related to law enforcement, but time and space? That sounded like the domain of a certain antagonistic maid more than anything. Still, it gave Youmu the information she needed to know. Not only was Takamachi Nanoha not native here, but she certainly didn't seem to be a native of Gensokyo either. Had she come from the outside world? Did such things as the 'Time and Space Administration Bureau' exist there? For the moment, Nanoha was the only person she had met so far in this desolate landscape, so there was no reason not to answer her questions. She seemed like a polite and friendly girl, and so Youmu was going to answer in kind. "It's strange, really, Takamachi-san," she began, "A new door just appeared in the kitchen, out of no-where. I couldn't figure out if it was the doing of a youkai or a mage or anything like that, so I told my Mistress that I was going to investigate it. After I went through the door, I was here. The door back to Hakugyokurou still exists, too..." Youmu paused for a moment. Presumably, there was nothing preventing her from returning to Hakugyokurou, and to Yuyuko's side, but... "For Yuyuko-sama's sake, I have to figure out just what's going on here!" As she spoke, her phantom half drifted about behind her, becoming more animated in reflection of the silver-haired girl's determined declaration. [@KoL]