Crow held Penelope’s gaze with a contemplative frown when she admitted she hadn’t been getting much rest lately. He should have noticed it sooner, but with his recurring nightmares, he’d been too focused on himself to realize that she wasn’t faring much better than he was. Silently chiding himself, he made a mental note to pay closer attention in the future. He didn’t want to turn into the type of man who would put her problems on ignore just because he was having a hard time with his own issues. As she tried to assure him that she would be fine, he studied her for a moment longer before nodding. “Well, I won’t keep you long then,” he said, casting her a warm smile. “I don’t want to stop you from getting enough sleep before your shift.” Though it wasn’t much, he wanted to do what he could to help her. After all, he knew better than anyone how torturous it could be to go too long without getting rest. If spending a little less time together that morning meant she wouldn’t have to endure as much fatigue, then it was worth it to him. He turned away from her at the sound of approaching footsteps to see that Preston had returned with his breakfast. Eager to fill his empty stomach, he drummed his fingers against his leg beneath the table while the attendant performed his usual taste test to make sure it was safe. As soon as the boy was done, he picked up a utensil to start eating. However, he didn’t get a chance before a new voice spoke up from behind him. “Oi, Lockton.” Crow blinked and turned around in his seat, surprised to see a noblewoman he didn’t know walking up to their table. She was tall and rather pretty with long brown hair and clear blue eyes. [i]Must be another one looking to court,[/i] he groaned inwardly. Despite his conclusion, something about her demeanor seemed strange to him. She wasn’t acting like the other meek girls he’d been introduced to so far. There was a swagger to her step that made her appear confident and an edge to her voice that nearly sounded mischievous. Curiosity piqued, the viceroy met her gaze evenly, “That’s me. Do you need something?” To his confusion, the woman laughed. “Wow,” she propped her hand on her hip. “You don’t even remember me, do you?” “Should I?” Crow knitted his brow, looking her over a little more closely. Thinking about it more, there was [i]something[/i] familiar about her. He just couldn’t put his finger on what it was. “I’ll give you a hint,” the woman smirked. “Seven years ago in Colchester. The last thing I saw of you was your bare ass climbing out my window.” Crow’s eyes widened and a blush colored his cheeks as he finally recalled who she was. “Liz?” he glanced furtively at Penelope, wishing the noblewoman would have picked a different moment to approach him. They didn’t have the most savory history together, and he wasn’t sure how open she would be in front of the knight. “So you do remember,” Elizabeth grinned at him. “Thank gods. At least now I know for sure that you haven’t turned into a selfish pig.” She gestured at the empty space on the bench beside him. “May I?” Crow shifted his weight slightly but, unable to think of a good excuse to get rid of her, casted Penelope a brief apologetic look and turned back to the woman with a forced smile, “Go ahead.” “Great,” Liz brightened as she slid in next to him, a little too close for comfort. “You know, I never thought I was going to see you again, Crow—or, it’s Collin now, right?” she spoke eagerly, resting his chin in the palm of her hand as she held his gaze with a sultry smile. “Suddenly I find out you’ve gone from rogue to near royalty! It sounded too good to be true. That’s why I just had to come to the castle to see you for myself.” “You came all the way here just to see me?” Crow raised a brow. “Of course,” Liz turned slightly red and averted her gaze. “I’ve never forgotten that night seven years ago… To tell you the truth, I was always hoping we’d cross paths again someday.” Her cheerful demeanor returned as she looked up to meet his gaze again. “And now, here you are.” Her blue eyes swept over him. “And, might I add, you’ve grown up to be quite handsome.” Crow shifted again, “Um, thanks.” Elizabeth giggled, “Oh, don’t be so tense Collin. It’s just me.” Suddenly, she seemed to take notice of Penelope’s presence at the table. The noblewoman turned to her with a sheepish look, “I’m sorry. How rude of me.” Extending a hand, she casted the knight a friendly grin. “Elizabeth Payne. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”