[@The Harbinger of Ferocity] Sorry, sorry! I'm currently looking into some new player recruits. Mists on the Mountain was the character you originally wanted to play, and that's fine! There's a reason the party has NPCs to back them up right now - to fill potential gaps. @ALL: So, currently the thing looks basically like this; {CITY} {Road} {Orchard} Vaal Rhaeyla Surina Sebastian, Sylvana Cassandra Caw, Lucian Magdar My graphical skills are amazing, right? This is the aftermath of Round 1. Rhaeyla and Caw are almost there; Surina is on her way to the city. The other three will move next round. This being said, there will be a post from me soon, so if [@Vertigo] narrates your arrival at the city, then we can essentially skip round 2 and you guys can wait for back up.