"Fucking moon rune writing ass pricks." The Ranger muttered, closing his laptop. He had been mulling over what happened with the Delta Green case and it got him in a hankering for some zombie games. Unfortunately at this time of night while he was waiting for his shift. Ten minutes. All he had to do was wait in peace for ten minutes, and not let the fact he had to deal with Korean hackers in Left 4 Dead. At the same time, he had to find stimulus. Breathe Laurence, you're better than them. Laurie put his boots on the table, cracking open some dip to chew as he thought about... well, life. No, that was boring as shit. He stood up restlessly pacing about the room, knowing ten minutes was just a fucking awful time. The man took a quick gander through his social media and finding nothing interesting closed that as well. "Hello?" he called out, wondering if he was alone at the Ranger Station. Silence, save for the mop of the deaf Janitor Rob. He was a nice fellow, and Laurie liked him but he wasn't a great conversationalist even after one got used to talking to the lip-reader. "[i]Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck[/i]." he exclaimed, spinning in his chair. Seconds turned to minutes but it wasn't nearly fast enough that they did so. [i]Ding-ding[/i]. A text. Who the fuck was up now? He opened his phone, and was notified that working group Umbra was active. At this time of night? You kidding? Then it struck him, out in these swamps and down in this basement he cellular was spotty, so of course he only got it now. He rubbed his temple, running upstairs. He was about to text Donnelly back, but his alarm played announcing it was time to go to his shift. He cursed once more, texting his boss. "Suits callin me cant come call keith or kevin that glow in dark prick shit again" before sending "omw" to Donnelly. West Virginia again, fuck's sake. He grabbed all his shit, drove home to grab a few more bags and then went straight North. [hr] The ride was like last time, liberating and relaxing, but not nearly as much as last time. It seemed he'd have to stop at a gas station again, and he didn't want to run into the leather clad fucks again. He skipped the one he went to last time, going for the one two blocks away. But... no luck. Or perhaps much of it? He couldn't quite tell right away, because he recognized one of the biker dudes and it seemed he was alone. Laurie sure as hell had the drop on him. He could slide in from behind, do some kung-fu shit leave the guy with bones sticking out his flesh. He sure as hell deserved it. Knuckles turned white as he gripped the handles of his bike with force to crack bones between his fingers. The Ranger exhaled heavily, before driving on. He wasn't as low as those dog eating fucks online, and he wasn't as low as this urban trailer park trash. He'd find another gas station, no problem. [hr] Laurie arrived at the address, proud of himself in his zen state and reached for the door. His arrival would have been announced by the one man ozone burning engine of his bike, and from the cars here it was clear he wasn't the first. He took a breath, before turning the knob and putting on a working smile.