Isabella looked up at Alexander, her opal glow in her eyes starting to fade a little bit more. She knew she needed to feed but didn't really want to leave Alexander in pain like this. She placed some of the aloe concoction on a small burn near his head. [color=9e0b0f][i]"I have been on her trail, or at least ive thought ive been, and then it just disappears. Pour Hades and Persephone have put their trust in me and I fear ive just been letting them down."[/i][/color] Isabella explained as she applied more ointment. [color=9e0b0f][i]"This will help with the burning."[/i][/color] Hades looked over at Isabella and Alexander and smiled. He then looked over at Nic and Peters salty encounter and looked at persephone who had noticed just the same. [color=00aeef][i]'you take one, ill take the other'[/i][/color] he said to her almost telepathically. He turned over and got to his feet to go and sit over by Nic and Lacey. Persephone went over to sit infront of the shed where Peter and Marigold were and softly meowed to make them aware of her presence.