[center][h1][color=yellow][b][u]Karamir[/u][/b][/color][/h1][/center] [hr] Weeks had gone by, and when Karamir was not drinking, or eating, or sleeping, he was practicing. Again and again he tried, on different items or materials, but progress was slow. At first, it had been a struggle to simply produce something on the same level as that same spark. He could levitate a pebble, make plants shake, generate soft breezes of wind, and even create small dust clouds with nothing more than his mind. It was tiring, exhausting work, but with patience and resolve, he persisted, and soon he could reliably call upon the previously mentioned phenomena. Doing anything greater, however, remained rather difficult. Then an idea occurred to him. Perhaps he was approaching this the wrong way. Maybe he was looking at it too broadly. He was applying himself to every method, many of which seemed to require completely different mindsets. Perhaps, if he focused on one particular spell or skill, he could perfect that, and then move on to something else. Yes, that seemed far more efficient. At least in theory. So, he decided to focus his efforts on the air itself. Why not? Air was everywhere; there was hardly a shortage of it. Unless he went underwater, or went too high into the sky... but there was no reason to do that under [i]normal[/i] circumstances. So, after realizing the merits the power of wind held, he quickly applied himself to it. For weeks more he practiced, atop mountains and hills, within the branches of trees, or even while flying in the open air. He used his mana to produce increasingly powerful gusts of wind. At first the attacks were barely distinguishable from a cool breeze, but eventually he was able to send dirt, leaves, or even loose stones flying with a wave of his hands. By then, weeks had become months, and although it felt taxing, he could not deny he was making progress. Still, what he knew now would be useless in any sort of combat situation, and even outside of combat there were few uses for it. He had to continue, and so he did. In the meantime, he also grew a short goatee, but his facial hair did not seem to want to grow beyond that. It felt strange at first, but he got used to it. Seasons passed, and his skill continued to increase. One day, one of his sessions was suddenly interrupted. [color=orange]"Karamir."[/color] It had been decades since he heard that voice, but he recognized it all the same. Standing before him was the god who created him, who bestowed upon him abilities and gifts, who then cast him out into the world to sink or swim, who he hadn't heard from since. [color=yellow]"Kalmar..."[/color] he said. [color=orange]"What are you doing?"[/color] the God of the Hunt demanded, a familiar frown plastered on his face. Karamir took a step back. He suspected he would see Kalmar again at some point, yet the arrival caught him off-guard all the same; he never imagined it would happen like this. The aspiring mage took a breath. [color=yellow]"I am practicing mana,"[/color] he said in a calm voice. Kalmar furrowed his brow. [color=orange]"Mana? What is that?"[/color] [color=yellow]"It's an energy all around us,"[/color] Karamir explained, gesturing with his hands. [color=yellow]"Abanoc told me about it. Those who can wield it can perform acts that others can't."[/color] Kalmar stared at him, and then realization seemed to come to the Hunter's face. [color=orange]"I see,"[/color] he said. [color=orange]"I think I know of what you speak. I never saw much use in it, because there's little it allows me to do that I can't do already, but I suppose that to a mortal it would be invaluable."[/color] Karamir nodded, but Kalmar continued speaking. [color=orange]"Now it's time to address the more pressing issue. Why did you part ways from Arryn?"[/color] [color=yellow]"I didn't mean to,"[/color] Karamir replied, with regret in his voice. [color=yellow]"I went ahead, and I was going to wait for him, but I saw a strange structure and decided to investigate. I didn't realize it would take me to some god's sphere, or that Arryn wouldn't have been able to find me there. Do you know where he is now?"[/color] [color=orange]"No longer in the maze,"[/color] Kalmar answered with a frown. [color=orange]"He believes you abandoned him, after he gave you a gift."[/color] [color=yellow]"I didn't mean-"[/color] [color=orange]"That is how he perceived it,"[/color] Kalmar interrupted. [color=orange]"And he had good reason to. You should have stayed with him. Instead you got separated, and you both went through a great deal of trouble - him significantly more."[/color] [color=yellow]"What do you mean?"[/color] [color=orange]"You were in the maze for little more than a week,"[/color] Kalmar frowned. [color=orange]"Arryn was there for months."[/color] Karamir winced at that. [color=yellow]"I... I'm sorry."[/color] [color=orange]"I'm sure you are. Actions have consequences. Remember that,"[/color] the Hunter said, his gaze unyielding. [color=orange]"Now, tell me about your interactions with K'nell."[/color] [color=yellow]"I was wandering Kalgrun. One of Shengshi's rivers dried up. There were a lot of fish, ready to be taken, so I went in to investigate... then the river refilled, and I was swept into the sea. K'nell's avatar, Diana, pulled me out. I wanted to be away from Kalgrun, to see the rest of Galbar, so I stayed with her until we arrived at another continent."[/color] [color=orange]"And stayed with her after that?"[/color] Kalmar questioned. Karamir nodded. [color=yellow]"Yes. The land we arrived at was full of dangers, some even more deadly than what lived at Kalgrun. It seemed foolish to try to live there alone."[/color] Kalmar nodded. [color=orange]"Sensible enough; there is safety in numbers. So long as you don't become too dependent on them."[/color] Karamir decided not to delve into the specific nature of his interactions with Diana, so he simply nodded back. [color=yellow]"Time passed, and eventually she decided to bring me back to the Palace. She wanted me to stay with her, but I couldn't; I had to leave. Arryn found me, and did something to fortify my body and soul..."[/color] [color=orange]"Yes, as I instructed. What then?"[/color] Kalmar asked. [color=yellow]"I wandered Tendlepog for a few days, and encountered the Dreamers. They allowed me to stay, but quickly changed their mind and kicked me out... because of some 'great change' that was happening. Arryn gave me this cloak, and we went west, until I found the Staircase..."[/color] Kalmar nodded. [color=orange]"That matches up with what Arryn told me, and I have to say I don't understand this K'nell."[/color] He shook his head. [color=orange]"What next?"[/color] [color=yellow]"I went through... 'the Maze'... and it was horrible,"[/color] Karamir said, a chill running down his spine. [color=yellow]"I thought I would die there, until somehow I ended up in Abanoc's sphere. He gave me some food, some water, told me about what I just saw, and shared some information... about his sphere, about Galbar, and about mana."[/color] [color=orange]"It sounds like you owe Abanoc a debt,"[/color] Kalmar observed. [color=orange]"So this is what you have been doing after that? Practicing 'mana'?"[/color] Karamir nodded, unsure of what was coming next. [color=orange]"Good,"[/color] Kalmar said. [color=orange]"Keep doing it. I'd like to see where it leads; what can be done with it."[/color] [color=yellow]"I... alright."[/color] [color=orange]"And one more thing,"[/color] Kalmar added, his voice suddenly reaching a softness Karamir had never quite heard before. He reached forward and put a hand on the now-taller mortal's shoulder. [color=orange]"I'm sorry."[/color] Karamir blinked. [color=yellow]"What?"[/color] [color=orange]"The way I brought you into this world, the way I prepared you for it, I made mistakes. I was too harsh, left too many questions unanswered, and some of the questions I did answer were the wrong ones."[/color] The Hunter shook his head and sighed. [color=orange]"I made mistakes."[/color] Karamir could scarcely believe any of it. For so long a part of him had resented Kalmar, feeling bitter toward him, for the way he had been treated, and now Kalmar was vocally confirming that part of him was correct. On the other hand, another part of him felt indebted to Kalmar - especially after the suffering Diana introduced him to was infinitely worse, and that part made the apology feel wrong, or undeserved. He wasn't sure if he should be angry, sad, content, vindicated, or even apologetic himself. His mouth opened and closed. Moisture began to well in his eyes but he fought it back. In the end, Karamir could only offer a weak nod. [color=orange]"I once told you there was a distinction between a son and a creation,"[/color] Kalmar continued. [color=orange]"Some would agree with me, others would not. I realize the definition might not be as set in stone as I once believed. If you wish to consider me your father, I will not object."[/color] That only served to make Karamir feel numb. How was he supposed to respond to something like that? He had long since made peace with the fact that Kalmar was not his father, yet suddenly just like that there was a part of him wishing for it. [color=yellow]"I... I'll need to think on it..."[/color] he spoke quietly. Kalmar nodded. [color=orange]"Of course. Now, take this."[/color] the Hunter pulled a sheathed dagger from his belt, and presented it to Karamir. [color=yellow]"What do I do with this?"[/color] Karamir questioned. [color=orange]"Draw it,"[/color] Kalmar commanded. And so he did, drawing a short blade as long as his hand that shone brightly in the sunlight. The hilt was wrapped in thin, yet fine and comfortable leather. It was of an impressive quality... if only it was longer. And suddenly, it became longer, the blade extending and growing to be as long as his arm, no less shiny or impressive. Astonished, he looked back up at Kalmar. [color=yellow]"What kind of weapon is this?"[/color] [color=orange]"It can be any weapon you want,"[/color] Kalmar answered. [i]Any[/i] weapon? Karamir imagined it as a spear, and so it morphed into a spear, made of pure metal, the leather extending to wrap around the entire shaft. He imagined it as a bow, and so it became a bow. Yet the bow was useless - it did not come with any arrows, and being metal, it could not bend. He imagined it as a sword again, then turned it back into a dagger, and returned it to his sheathe - which he then fixed to his belt. [color=yellow]"This is incredible..."[/color] [color=orange]"And one more thing..."[/color] Kalmar reached forward again, and this time touched Karamir's forehead. A sudden chill passed over him, as he felt power flow through his body. [color=orange]"I've granted you a power that is not dependent on mana. I am not just the God of the Hunt, but also the God of Cold. You are now able to shoot beams of frigid cold energy. It should allow you to defend yourself, should your weapon be lost, or your mana unavailable."[/color] [color=yellow]"Thank you..."[/color] Karamir said. Kalmar nodded. [color=orange]"Those will suffice to help keep you alive, I think. Now, there is one final matter... it is time for me to create more of you."[/color] [color=yellow]"More of me?"[/color] Karamir furrowed his brow. [color=yellow]"What do you mean?"[/color] [color=orange]"An entire species, capable of reproduction and intelligent thought. You would no longer be the only one of your kind."[/color] Karamir's eyes widened. He would no longer be alone. Well, he had spent most of his life with other people than without, so he hadn't been truly alone in the first place... but there would be more people like him. People who looked like him, talked like him. Who he could lead, or teach. [color=yellow]"When... when will you do this?"[/color] [color=orange]"Soon,"[/color] Kalmar said. [color=orange]"But not here. On Kalgrun. All I require is one of your hairs, and some of your blood. The rest I can do with my own power... hopefully, with aid from my fellow gods."[/color] [color=yellow]"Alright, take it!"[/color] Karamir said immediately. A hair and some blood were small prices to pay for an entire species. Without hesitation, he extended his hand. Kalmar then drew the Knife of Friendship, and with it he pricked Karamir's palm. He levitated some droplets into the air, congealed them into a fingertip sized ball, froze it, and slipped it into a pocket. Then he reached forward and sharply plucked a hair from Karamir's head. Neither of these things bothered Karamir too much; minor stings, at worst. [color=orange]"Now,"[/color] Kalmar said, slipping the hair into another pocket. [color=orange]"Let's go back to Kalgrun,"[/color] The Hunter turned around, about to fly away. [color=yellow]"Wait... no."[/color] Karamir suddenly objected. The Hunter spun around and looked at him with confusion. [color=orange]"What do you mean 'no'?"[/color] [color=yellow]"I... I don't want to go back to Kalgrun yet."[/color] [color=orange]"You don't want to witness the creation of your own species?"[/color] Kalmar asked, his befuddlement deepening. [color=yellow]"No... I mean, I would, but..."[/color] Karamir sighed. [color=yellow]"Let's say I do watch you create them. What next? What use would I be to you, or them?"[/color] [color=orange]"A great deal,"[/color] Kalmar answered. [color=orange]"You could patrol Kalgrun, help keep them safe, give them advice..."[/color] [color=yellow]"But I don't want to limit myself to Kalgrun, or to my species."[/color] Karamir objected. [color=yellow]"I want to explore the world, to see all that I can. There are older species out there; if they know more than me, I can learn from them. If they know less than me, I can teach them. This cloak gives me the ability to cross continents, while this weapon gives me the means to defend myself while doing so - as will mana, once I get a stronger grasp over it."[/color] Ambition burned in his eyes as he continued speaking. [color=yellow]"I am in the perfect position to acquire new knowledge, and then pass that knowledge along to those who need it. I will not be like the Dreamers, who hoard their knowledge to themselves and never try to share it or seek anything new."[/color] he shook his head. [color=yellow]"Dreamers, Selka, Servants, Jotundar... it doesn't matter. I will try to help them all, once I am able."[/color] For several long moments, the Hunter only stared at him... and then broke out into a thin smile. [color=orange]"Good,"[/color] he said at last. [color=orange]"You found your purpose. A worthy one, too. I wish you luck. Goodbye for now, Karamir."[/color] he extended a hand. Karamir accepted the handshake, and as he did, he felt something cold press against his palm. As he pulled his hand away, he looked down to see a silver ring. He looked up at Kalmar. [color=yellow]"Goodbye... 'father',"[/color] he said, the word sounding strange and unfamiliar. Kalmar merely nodded, turned, and began to fly away. [hr] [hider=Post Summary] Karamir begins practicing various forms of mana, but realizes multi-classing isn't working out very well and instead chooses to specialize. He begins focusing on the manipulation of wind, and winds up fairing much better. Nearly a year later, Kalmar appears. They talk about what Karamir has been up to, and Kalmar confronts him about Arryn - revealing that after a few months, Arryn eventually made it out of the Maze, but was none too happy with Karamir because of it. Anyway, Karamir summarizes his travels. When his story is finished, Kalmar... okay you know what, just read the damn post. It's a really tender moment and I'm actually kinda proud of it, so I won't spoil it. So Zee, if you just cut straight to the summary, come on man. Toast, if you just skimmed the entire thing... [i]sigh.[/i] Anyway, during their heart to heart, Kalmar gives Karamir some goodies, mentioned in the MP summary. He also takes a hair, and some of Karamir's blood, with the intent of using it to create an entire species of Karamirs. I can already imagine your excitement, Gold. So yeah... that's about it. [/hider] [hider=MP Summary] [u]Kalmar[/u] [b]Beginning FP:[/b] 6 -2FP to create the Universal Weapon. It can take the shape of nearly any high quality weapon the wielder imagines. -1MP (discounted to 0 via Cold Portfolio) to Praise Karamir with the ability to shoot beams of cold energy. -1MP (discounted to 0 via Cold Portfolio) to create the Frostguard Ring, an artifact which protects the wearer from extreme heats and keeps them cool in uncomfortably hot climates. [b]Ending FP:[/b] 4 [/hider] [hider=Prestige Summary] [u]Karamir[/u] [b]Beginning Prestige:[/b] 16 +1 for minor role. +1 for major role. -2 to gain "The Sorceror" Title. -2 to gain "The Violent Wind" Title. [b]Ending Prestige:[/b] 14 [/hider]