Lillith's ears were most certainly [i]not[/i] lowered in fear. She was from Halloween Town, after all, and loved a good fright as much as anyone. What she didn't like was knowing that [i]something[/i] was coming, but having no idea what to prepare for. She could fairly easily escape if Shock tried to physically attack her, but that clearly wasn't the imminent threat. Carmilla wouldn't let the trickster do that -- but she wasn't even moving in [i]preparation[/i] to defend her. So that meant whatever [i]was[/i] coming had been green-lit by her sister. Lillith was not scared. Her ears were lowered in suspicion, trepidation, and an internal debate about whether she actually regretted causing this. She didn't want to know what the two of them could think up if they actually worked together on a vengeance plot. Carmilla watched her sister duck, inwardly satisfied for the moment, though not enough to call off the rest of the plan. She held out a dainty pinky and took another sip. The vampiress said nothing; it was quite possibly the only thing she could think of which could be arguably more disturbing than Shock being cordial.