She'd forgotten he was a lancer. Oleda blinked as Mercutio's weapon clanged against the top of the counter, giving him a pained look as she debated whether to help. She had the discretion at least to look elsewhere, peeking over the top of the wooden desk as she waited for the copper to right himself. The roots grasping their way around the edge of the gateway began to twine at the top of the arch. Curling into patterns reflective of the nebulous energy. Oleda's shoulders sloped at the sight, anticipating an end to the chaos. Only to shoot right back up as the draconian raised his voice beside her. She shot him a look. The clunky armour seemed too large for the small space behind the counter. Though he'd managed to unlatch his weapons and wisely had them to the side, held at the ready. "'s less of a rule, she said, a little louder than usual to be heard over the wind. She glanced back at the portal, one arm slung over the counter as she fumbled around for something beneath the shelves. "The energy stabilises eventually. It's a bit like-" The high-pitched keen that had been filling the hall cut off. Oleda stopped, her head ringing in the absence of the sound. Items began to clatter to the ground in a series of thuds and cracks. The wind subsided, replaced with heavy silence enough to hear her own heartbeat. As quickly as the chaos began, it had ended. The witch relaxed, her hand falling on the book she needed amongst the bottles and scrolls and dried out ingredients. "It's a bit like a wound," she said again, filling the empty air. The surface of the dungeon hummed, seeming content. "It's destructive at first, but it stems the bleeding on its own given time." With the chaos tamed it was easier to see the extent of the damage on the guild. Oleda's explanation faltered at the sight of the scoured walls and upturned floorboards. Their newest visitor stood just inside the doors, the sharp taper of his ears alerting her to his nature. She sighed, rising to her feet. The initial forming of dungeons was hardly the worst thing about them. "Anyway," she said, addressing the new arrival. "Who are you exactly?"