Avery blinked and frowned. “Wait...what? What do you think I’m going to do to you? Throw you over board or feed you to the space fish? I have no desire to...how did you put it, my games? I only kill those who try and kill me or my crew or my creatures...and you haven’t done any of that. So I will ask you again more direct. Why are you on the Glory? Also known as the Shadowstrike? If it is to find answers then hopefully I can help...but if it’s to shed blood then the only blood you will get is mine so...” a wave of light headedness hit her and she reached and grabbed the bar. She closed her eyes and fought to get her level back. Then she muttered “and why come here if your a knight? We have no fight with the knight family of...fang it father taught the line to me...” she rubbed her temples trying to remember. “Ibanez was the bloodline of knights who...guarded something...I should have paid more attention...” now she was closer the prisoner would see she didn’t look well up close. She sighed and muttered “three attacks in two weeks and I’m useless...at least this one is polite...”