The mercenary stood there, unmoving. He gave no attention to the woman's comments and gestures, he simply listened. As the word "vampire" escaped her mouth, his mind started to plan out potential situations. The mercenary had heard that nearly all of the vampires were wiped out, and killing the remnants of a species was never just an easy task. They were the ones who had the greatest will to survive, they would run, hide, or fight to their end, eager to keep on living. He would know, he did hunt others like the vampire... in another world. Then his client mentioned a lich. From what he has heard, they were powerful entities with control over the undead. It wasn't something he had much experience in, to be honest. This would prove a more difficult job than he had anticipated, but it was still a job, a job that he still thought he could accomplish. He then replied, now with a tiny hint of more enthusiasm in his voice, [color=696969]"And what is the reward?"[/color]