“Right it’ll it out in a moment,” Leo said scribbling down the order before returning to the kitchen. “Hot chocolate for breakfast? I would’ve thought you were a coffee kind of guy,” Alister commented sipping on his coffee. In the short spanned of time that Drake ordered Alister already finish haft of his food. Plates were already piling them self up as he continues to feast. He didn’t remember the last time he had good food since he threw himself at missions after missions to distract himself. “Yeah, it's my favorite place to eat. Though I never have the time anymore. I've also wanted to share it people but everyone is busy these days,” Alister said. 10 minutes later Leo came back with Drake’s order. Dark swirls of chocolate and golden brown pancake made a marble-like pillar of pancake sided with various condiment from butter, to a range of maple syrup and hot steaming hot chocolate. Leo had a smile of his face as he serves his food. "Enjoy. if you need anything don't hesitate to holler." Leo said before returning to the kitchen. "Come on try it. I'm sure it'll be the best pancakes you will ever taste." Alister said. [hr] “Well Spacial Magic is my specialty,” Valeria said, “so I have no idea where we’re going so I’ll follow your lead.”