[hr][hr][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/8ih7nopgh/2839c44382003e9256bef6b48c73e9b8.png[/img][hr][@Morose][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@KazAlkemi][@ColouredCyan][@eclecticwitch] [@Kirah][@Trainerblue192][@Achronum][@Framing A Moose][/center][hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190727/6982dfcf3748c4d2f352e96259c95cce.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][hider=Map of Palace Grounds][img]https://i.ibb.co/q7L8FdH/Ho-M-Palace-Grounds.png[/img] Now we need battle map locations. Multiple people can occupy the same square (and likely will) so keep that in mind when labeling your locations. (I don't have locations really marked for anyone yet as I want to get an idea of sorts where everyone is going to be first. Resistance group will be starting roughly around location B4. The group watching the execution and such (basically everyone else) will be starting in locations E5, F5 or D5 for starters.[/hider] [color=a2d39c]"Look kid, you really need to get your vision checked,"[/color] Wolverine grunted towards Max as he got into one of the cars. [color=a2d39c]"First of all, you do realize that this group is mostly made of SHIELD agents, Barton included, and only two Avengers, so honestly saying that really corny line is kind of dumb, Secondly, you don't need speed to beat a speedster. Why is it that that is everyone's first thought? All ya gotta do is out smart the guy, and trust me, it ain't that hard to trick Quicksilver... I still remember running through him with my claws more then once. Damn speedsters always heal quickly."[/color] Barton sighed slightly, hearing what Tinley had said. [color=7851A9]"If you want Max on the stealth team, I need you to recommend someone to switch over to assault. We have too many people on stealth as it is, which ideally should be no more than four people. Cornish has to go, she's leading it and the entire reason the stealth team needs to operate, and then with Max that means you have two other spots. Either fill them or just take your orders and go forward, Abercrombie."[/color] He was a little bit frustrated with all of this - mostly since people didn't really seem to be grasping the concept of how a stealth team needed to be small, plus Max struck him as chaotic and the boy seemed really happy about his achievements in setting warehouses on fire. Barton didn't even know if he could create portals - just because he could conjure things and do magic didn't mean his skill level was there yet. Banner's eyes narrowed at Max's comments. [color=8dc73f]"Kid, if you met the Hulk - your hero - you'd be dead."[/color] He took a slight deep breath, mumbling a few things in the universe he could appreciate as he realized his son was gone with a stranger. Sure, Lance had been in love with her but none of it had been real - it was all just a lie. They weren't really boyfriend and girlfriend. [color=8dc73f]"Fuck, this is like winter vacation to Universal Studios all over again...."[/color] [color=A4FFFC]"Go for it Watts... Now, we need to get moving, as we need to get into place..."[/color] she said simply, before walking off. Waverly wouldn't have too many problems getting control of the drones and get them going in the air. [color=firebrick]"What are you talking about Ally but... I trust you, and I trust your instincts. You tell me not to fight back against them, I won't fight back against them..."[/color] Oshea said to her, giving her a smile and a kiss on the cheek. Wanda looked over at Allison when she walked up, [color=red]"Hello there Ms. Andrews, I've been doing alright, today is going to be an interesting one don't you think? So how have you been?"[/color] Pietro, seeing that everything was about to start, simply picked up Guin and went to where his family currently was. Soon, she'd find herself right next to Wanda, Allison, and Oshea as well. [color=7ea7d8]"Figured that was a bit quicker..."[/color] Carolina and Annie will be led from the car that they had arrived in to the main area that the execution was going to take place with October as well with them. October gave her wife a kiss on the cheek. [color=fdc68a]"Oh, I do love a good execution - I wonder if it'll be a beheading? Well, I must be off - I need to go rendez-vous with King Erik. Do be careful, my loves."[/color] Max will have no luck on the car ride getting a compact mirror of any sort. No one has one (I mean, some of them are a part of the Resistance group who don't exactly have much and the others are a part of SHIELD so who would carry one on them?). He also wouldn't be able to get a good read on the dungeons. James meanwhile would have no trouble blending into the crowd of people, keeping an eye on everything that there was going on around the area. Waverly would be able to see a car pulling up a bit late to the party, and see several people getting out of it and going towards the tree line. (It's the Resistance Group for reference) Soon, the prisoners who were going to be executed were brought out through the crowd. There were a total of 6 prisoners in the dungeon, but seems like only two were going to be killed today. One of the two was obviously Klara, who didn't really seem to fight back or anything against the guards right now. The other one was a man who was clearly panicking, and Klara rolled her eyes slightly at that. He was yelling about having nothing to do with the resistance group and the like, but the king didn't seem to be having anything of it. [color=yellow]"There's your cousin Runa..."[/color] Lance whispered to her, taking her hand and leading her through the crowd, soon they'd manage to find themselves in the first row, fairly close to where Klara was now standing. The Resistance group would pull up in their cars to the Palace now, and be able to get into position (whether it is to be able to sneak into the Palace or cause chaos) The group would also be able from where they were hear Magneto's words. [color=FF5733]"Now, the Human Resistance group has gone against us once more, striking out at us, and now it is time that we strike back against them."[/color] he said simply, before glancing over towards Flynn, who had joined the group there along with Sapphire. [color=FF5733]"My son, and the one who will take the throne after myself, will be the one to complete the execution."[/color] [color=639A5E]"...Wait you want me to do what now?"[/color] Flynn said, his face going a bit pale. [color=FF5733]"Do it now Flynn,"[/color] Magneto responded in response, almost shooting a glare of sorts towards Flynn. [color=639A5E]"...Alright,"[/color] he muttered, it was obvious to a lot of people nearby that he was a bit reluctant to do anything like that. He instantly burst into flame and walked over towards Klara and the other man there. [color=yellow]"Okay, we need to do something, even though the irony being that a water goddess is about to be burned to death,"[/color] Lance muttered to Runa, about to do something before he stopped because of something else. Once they were all in position, Hawkeye smirked slightly. [color=7851A9]"The kid said it wrong, by the way. It needs a pause for dramatic effect, like so: Avengers..... Assemble!"[/color] He then let an arrow fly, aiming for King Erik's eye. Banner didn't even really seem to need to try, tossing his glasses aside as his purple shirt gave way under the strain, the buttons launching as projectiles as the fabric ripped and he grew to a gigantic height. He was exposed, like a nerve, but horrifying - a gigantic green colossus, a Lovecraftian horror - he was the Hulk and he let out a roar, slamming his fists on the ground with enough force that it registered as a minor earthquake. Even with the commotion going on around them, Cass would be able to recognize more then a few people in the crowd. From where she was, she'd be able to not only see Flynn by where Klara was, but she'd be able to see Guin, Pietro, her sister and Annie, Allison, and... Oshea alive? [hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190727/f047556941b38e09d7a3b048e91b169a.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] Jack was not too thrilled with Casper shoving him out of an airplane. If anything a part of him wanted to strangle his brother for it. Somehow he managed to stay relatively calm in the fall down, pulling his chute and having no problems landing. Once on the ground, he took off the parachute and walked right over to his brother, before smacking him upside the back of the head. [color=9C00FF]"Don't you ever do that again!"[/color] [color=007236]"Can you two stop fighting? Look, we're here now, that's all that matters, Remy and Rogue already went ahead, there are four entrances into the compound, they headed to the back entrance, which leaves the two side entrances, and the main door..."[/color] [color=9C00FF]"My recommendation? Don't go through the front door, that is a really bad idea... This coming from the con artist."[/color] [color=007236]"Yeah, seriously doubt you'd be able to talk your way in,"[/color] Mary said with an eye roll, glancing over at the others now. [color=9C00FF]"I never said I couldn't do it, I probably could!"[/color] [color=007236]"Whatever, now, since we don't want to go through the front entrances, there are two different side ones, one on each side of the building. We already have our groups, so let's see about getting in... Anastasia and I can see about taking the west entrance... Which would leave Jack, Bobbi and Casper to take the entrance to the east. Be careful, and hopefully no one gets caught or killed..."[/color] she said, nodding her head at Ana, before she started heading towards the west entrance into the building. They were lucky as there was quite a bit of tree cover in the area they had landed in, and they definitely were lucky no one had hit a tree when landing. Jack turned and looked at Bobbi and Casper, [color=9C00FF]"Well, shall we get going then? I still say I could talk my way through the front entrance, but that honestly would probably be suicidal, so let's go to the east entrance."[/color] With those words, he headed in the opposite direction that Mary had, heading for the other entrance.