[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/RyWDuQn.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/NUtcWs1.png[/img] [h2][color=ed1c24][b]"A Fiery 'Friend' Approaches"[/b][/color][/h2] [sub][b]Mentions:[/b] [@AzureKnight], [@PaulHaynek], [@Stern Algorithm], [/sub] [hr][/center] [b][i]The Next Morning...[/i][/b] Upon the aftermath with the cold-blooded Nagare and the fiery Varā, Titanica entered the guild hall and plopped herself upon the living room couch belly-down. When she awoke, she could hear the bustling activity coming around her. Being only half-awake, the noises were muffled and sounded far away, which made it hard to note what was going on. Suddenly, she could feel a rapid force shaking her upper-body by the only being here that was brave enough to wake her directly. [color=f7941d][b]"Morning Titanica!"[/b][/color] Morgan's squeaky voice pierced through the commotion, [color=f7941d][b]"Come get up, we got work to do!"[/b][/color] The titan groaned as she struggled to lift her eyelids open. It was as if she was pitted against two insanely large boulders that were trying to close her eyes shit. However, she was soon able to muster up the strength and slowly rise from her make-shift bed. She slowly turned her head to her fellow moth-woman friend with a drowsy look. [color=00aeef][b]"Ugh..."[/b][/color] Titanica growled before issuing a massive yawn, [b][color=00aeef]"What is it? Can you give me a bit to wake up?"[/color][/b] Morgan nodded understandingly. [color=f7941d][b]"Would you like me to make some tea? I'm currently making a second batch to serve for the others."[/b][/color] [color=00aeef][b]"That..."[/b][/color] the scaled titan paused before confirming, [color=00aeef][b]"Would be nice. Thank you."[/b][/color] The mothgirl warmly smiled as she proceeded to enter the kitchen. [color=f7941d][b]"Coming right up!"[/b][/color] With that Titanica finally planted her feet onto the creaky floorboards and rose to listen in on the surrounding conversations. The only one that stood out to her was Bart's announcement regarding that a repair crew would come today to fix the hole that the titan created and that he had to stay and oversee them. At least they will be getting that sorted out now - the sooner the better. And for everyone else, it would be a more relaxing day for the members to enjoy themselves But to start her day, she might as well find a place to wash herself. She hadn't bathed for a few good days and was starting to feel rather clammy. She knew of a lake not far from the guild and ought to issue a quick bathe before doing whatever she might want to do. Still, it would be best to alert Morgan to this. The tea will have to wait. She slightly turned her head back and alerted the fellow mothgirl. [color=00aeef][b]"Save some tea for me, Morgan."[/b][/color] Titanica called out, [color=00aeef][b]"I'll be washing up. Be back soon."[/b][/color] With that, the saurian titan proceeded to exit the guild hall and step out into the bright and warm sun. The sun's warm rays were absorbed into her jagged dorsal fins, slowly warming her body to a nice and pleasant temperature. Her spines can easily acquire solar energy the same way as how she gains her mana, only the former is more based on physical energy rather then replenishing her magical arsenal. They can regulate how much heat she can hold in, as well as when to cool her body down, much like certain ancient species of Saurians. But unlike them, Titanica doesn't rely on it, as it acted more of an additional convenience rather than a necessary attribute to survival. Her mana can help with warming her up in cold conditions, like during yesterday's trek into the frigid peaks of mountains. As Titanica casually walked towards the main road, she would be quick to notice a disturbance in the air. She stopped suddenly, peaking her nose into the sky and proceeded to sniff the air. It was unusually dry, coupled with a slight temperature increase to the surrounding area. For most people, they may hardly notice the change or brush it off as a light heatwave, but for Titanica, she could pick up something else within it. She took another few sniffs to confirm her suspicions, looking around carefully as she did so. Her eyes would soon detect various tiny dark-grey particles floating in the air past her. She looked at them closely as she caught some in her hand. It was ash... but not simply any ash, but rather ash usually found in and around active volcanoes. She could even catch traces of fresh ember passing by, still smoldering slightly. The titan was intrigued by this unusual phenomenon. As far as she knew, there weren't any volcanoes near here, and even if there were, word would've perhaps traveled quickly about the warning of a volcanic eruption. There was only one other thing that could've issued this. It became clear to Titanica that someone, or something, was in the nearby vicinity. And whatever it was, it was airborne. And whatever was lurking around, it must be emitting an intense amount of heat from its body. The titan peaked her head upwards and scoured the airspace above, however she couldn't see any trails leading to the culprit. It must've either went by while she wasn't looking... or perhaps it was on its way. Titanica realized that it could prove to be yet another potential detriment to the guild hall's structure as she turned to face the entry way. [color=00aeef][b]"Stay alert."[/b][/color] she boomed cautiously towards the guild members, [color=00aeef][b]"We're about to have~"[/b][/color] [b][i]*THUMP*[/i][/b] And out of completely nowhere, Titanica was met with a powerful direct force thrusted upon the back of her head. The mighty titan's head lurched forward, causing her to fall face first into the cobblestone path hard. It felt as if something had dropped kicked the back of her head at full force. And - to the bystanders who had witnessed this all go down - that's essentially what happened. A winged woman clothed in fiery colors swooped down and used her heels to smash into the saurian's neck in what could only be seen as a diving attack before using the momentum to propel herself back into the sky. As the saurian titan rose from the earth, she was quick to rise and look for the opponent in question. She can hear a crying of laughter emitting from above, underlined with a rough and coarse voice that she knew all too well. And upon seeing the crimson figure flying in the sky, Titanica instantly recognized the [url=https://i.imgur.com/vgZXgyN.png]culprit[/url]. [center][hider=Introducing the Chaotic Fire Demon of the Skies] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSub5vsTsng[/youtube] [/hider][/center] [b][color=ed1c24]"BAWHAHAHAAA!"[/color][/b] the winged woman cawed as she lets out a deep bird-like screech, [b][color=ed1c24]"Bet ya didn' see that comin' did ya?!"[/color][/b] An embarrassed facepalm formed as Titanica emitted an annoyed groan. [color=00aeef][b]"Ugh, not this bitch again..."[/b][/color] she thought to herself. [color=00aeef][b]"What the hell do you want Rodie?"[/b][/color] the saurian titan boringly called out, seemingly not threatened by the rival titan that was circling above her like a vulture to a carcass of rotting meat. Rodie would then land on the ground, flapping her wings to stop her descent and smiled devilishly at Titanica. [b][color=ed1c24]"You know wha' I want, Titanica-san!"[/color][/b] Rodie replied with a challenging vigor, [b][color=ed1c24]"It's been far, FAR, too long since our last confrontation! Thought I was not eva' gonna see you again! But fair not! I've grown stronger since our last fight and I'm gonna kick your ass this time!"[/color][/b] She initiated a fighting pose, extending her right arm out like a kung-fu warrior, beckoning the [i]definitely[/i] taller titan (7'4" vs 5'8") to do battle. And yet, her opponent didn't seem nearly as interested as the flyer may have thought. [b][color=00aeef]"Really?"[/color][/b] Titanica inquired in a painfully bored and monotone voice, [b][color=00aeef]"You're wasting your time. Get lost."[/color][/b] Rodie's confused expression became more annoyed by the titan's seemingly odd unwillingness to do battle. [b][color=ed1c24]"W-Wha?! Es'cuse-eh me?"[/color][/b] Rodie stammered awkwardly, [b][color=ed1c24]"Waddya mean you're not interested?! Have ya been growin' soft or sumthin~?"[/color][/b] Suddenly she would find herself being casually pushed to the side as Titanica brushed her away and kept on walking forward. [b][color=00aeef]"Not interested."[/color][/b] the saurian stated as she continued walking. Rodie's expression became blank with utter confusion at her rival's uncharacteristically behavior. What's gotten into her? She stammered in place before she turned absolutely steaming mad and began jumping up and down in absolute anger. [b][color=ed1c24]"YOU SOFT-SPINED BITCH!"[/color][/b] the fiery woman exploded into a fury of insults, [b][color=ed1c24]"HOW DARE YOU DECLINE MY OFFER! WHAT'S GOTTEN INTO YOUR SCALY ASS YOU COWARDLY FREAK! ARE YOU SUM KINDA PACIFIST OR SUMTHIN'?! HOW LAME! HOW SHAMELESS!!!"[/color][/b] But all that Titanica did was simply keep on walking, ignoring the flurry of insults that just bounced off her thick hide. Her rival simply didn't know what to do with herself in this situation. For a minute, it would seem as if a confrontation had been avoided - a first perhaps. But as Rodie's frustration rose to her limit, her senses were able to pick up an interesting scent emanating from her rival. A particular, undeniable, scent that had been discussed about before in a certain separate conversation. Rodie's frown instantly turned into a mischievous smile, revealing a row of sharp teeth. She briefly giggled to herself before regaining her cocky composure. [b][color=ed1c24]"Ohhhhhhh, I see how it is."[/color][/b] she called out slyfully, [b][color=ed1c24]"I see ya, I see ya. You're not gonna fight because of that one night, huh? But I thought the great and mighty Titanica was forbidden to fuck anything for pleasure!"[/color][/b] That ought to get her attention... And well... it worked. But perhaps a bit too well... and for all the worst reasons. Titanica's march ceased the very moment Rodie finished, as her entire body stiffened up. [b][color=00aeef]"That BITCH."[/color][/b] the saurian growled lowly as her gleaming-white jaws steamed blue smoke from the spaces in between her teeth. Pure rage flew through her veins as she began to shake violently in place. But she wasn't angry about the fact that Rodie knew - as proven with Nagare yesterday - rather it was due to the sheer audacity of that cocky shit-stained flyer actually revealing it in front of the other guild members who were just several meters away! Then again, for an annoying character belonging to her, it shouldn't be that surprising. A guttural growl emerged from the tall woman's mouth, with her spines rapidly discharging flashes of blue plasma, as her murderous gaze grimaced upon the unfortunate demon's own. Rodie's cock-sure look was soon replaced with a fearful gaze. She's gotten what she wanted, but now she's already gaining second chances about all this. Nervous bird-like laughter chuckled from her sharp lips as she tried to remain brave in the face of her larger opponent, who was now approaching her with hatred in her eyes. [b][color=ed1c24]"A-Ahh hey now,"[/color][/b] the cowardly flyer said with a begging tone, [b][color=ed1c24]"I-I'm sure it's OK for all this now right? I mean... yer entire clan is gone, and you're alone... so uh, I guessa ya do what eva' you want r-right? Free country, amirite?"[/color][/b] It didn't help. Titanica's dorsal fins would begin to fully light up as it started charging from the tip of her tail and slowly made its way up her back. And with a momentous roar, her mouth opened as she released her atomic beam at her opponent. [center][hider=Battle and Pursuit] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJfdTPTFDbc[/youtube] [/hider][/center] Already realizing her next move, Rodie wisely was able to lift herself into the air before Titanica could have a chance incinerate her. The saurian's beam ripped through the ground underneath the flying titan, with her being careful not to accidentally damage the guild hall again, just barely missing both. Rodie rose into the air and proceeded to pounce onto her target's back to avoid the superheated beam by the front and began to choke her while rapidly bonking her on the head with surprising force. Titanica struggled to get the pest off her, bucking and swiping like an angry bull to a cowboy, before backing up into a tree and forcing her off. The two titans continued to fight one another, while yelling, roaring, and screaming ensured for another long thirty seconds. Eventually, the crimson demon began to fly further into the woods, gawking wildly as she seemed to head to higher ground. However, Titanica wasn't going to let her off easy, not after the stunt she just pulled. [b][color=00aeef]"GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE PIGEON-BRAINED SHIT!"[/color][/b] the Gojira roared defiantly as she chased after Rodie and disappeared into the undergrowth. The guild members could still hear the faint sounds of angry calls and screeches emitting from beyond, yet could only guess as what could happen next. Thankfully, this attracted the attention of Morgan, who had just finished making the tea and heard the commotion, as she proceeded to walk over to the scene. Whilst a little late to the scene, she placed her hand to her mouth and shook her head. [color=f26522][b]"Oh dear!"[/b][/color] Morgan breathed out worringly, [color=f26522][b]"I wasn't expecting another titan to show up - especially being someone like her. This is really bad! If we don't break them up soon, who knows for how long they'd be fighting - and all of the destruction they'll cause with it!"[/b][/color] The mothgirl's wings extended to their full size as she proceeded to enter the woodlands. [color=f26522][b]"I'm going after them!"[/b][/color] Morgan cried as she followed Titanica's tracks of destruction. Even for a lone titan of Morgan's status, it was a risky choice for her to go alone amiss two fighting kaiju. Perhaps a few should make sure she doesn't get hurt, or perhaps be an additional mediator in calming Titanica and Rodie down.