[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190727/584f50d6059c712572ca0f9c6c19f72f.png[/img][/center] "Ramses...pleasure meeting you. I'm Liliana." She tossed her bag on one of the free beds and reached out a hand to introduce herself. "Looks like home for however long we'll be here." Lili then saw another one of their tentmates claiming his own spot before he started to change, a good move on his behalf given the densely muggy climate since she touched down in the early morning. "Liliana Martínez," she shook his hand as well, the accent alone giving away his nationality. She knew a few Russians when she was in school, learning a bit of the language from her dad but losing most of it without the practice. Lili's gaze shifted when she noticed Sasha didn't have a right arm, an artificial limb taking its place instead, but she quickly looked away as to not be rude. "So we have a free day today, better take advantage of that," she addressed no one in particular, walking over to her bag to fetch her wetsuit. She figured she'd go for a swim and cool off as the temperature seemed to get hotter by the minute.