[right][sub][color=lightpink]Collab with [@Hey Im Jordan][/color][/sub][/right] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190727/f1b768fdb73ca616670884f1470cf601.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190727/e28797fb103e980ab26fb7d3c01e17ed.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/BwQeKji.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190727/b2e1842a2b4a3290ef211111d6e777f6.png[/img] [hr][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190727/09bf8cfa89047b199496ba4d01527fb2.png[/img][hr][/center] [indent]Leaned back in one of the backseats of a cadillac limousine, staring at her daughter, who was nervously, anxiously, ripping tissues, covering herself with the soft paper, Genesis “Blair” Lyon listened to the voicemails from her son on speaker. They were sitting in their long drive way of their English Manor. The voicemails escalated from ‘dad is an asshole’ to ‘DAD FUCKING KICKED ME OUT. COME BACK HOME.’ Her defined eyebrows furrowed in frustration. She couldn’t have a peaceful vacation with her princess, without those two wanting to kill each other - but really, her husband wanting to kill their son. Was she ready to go inside and see the man of the hour who couldn’t keep his shit together without his girls? That was… to be determined. [b][color=#7954f2]“Mommy…” [/color][/b]Anastasia whisperingly tried to get the musical savant’s attention. [b][color=#db3f46]“Speak up, Ana.” [/color][/b]Snapping her phone closed, the annoyed mother, and the most musically inclined in the Lyon family, unceremoniously tossed her phone back into her purse. The littlest Lyon opened her mouth to respond but closed it immediately. Maybe this wasn’t the time to ask… [b][color=#db3f46]“Anastasia.” [/color][/b] [b][color=#7954f2]“C-can I go to a sleepover this weekend? W-with Dahlia and I-Iris?” [/color][/b]She swiftly asked her mother, who responded with a shrug. [b][color=#db3f46]“You can ask your father. He hasn’t seen you in two weeks, so I don’t know if he’d like you spending your first weekend back with friends over him.” [/color][/b]The two women’s conversation was interrupted with their chauffeur opening the backdoor. [b]“You shouldn’t keep him waiting, Mrs.” [/b]Of course. Gabriel was a high maintenance dude and if his girls weren’t prompt that would make his mood more sour than it already was because of Scott. [b][color=#db3f46]“Come on, daddy is expecting us.” [/color][/b]After exiting the vehicle, Blair offered her hand for her daughter to grab. A dainty, lace gloved hand reached out of the car and needily grasped onto the thin and pale hand of her mother’s. Even if her mother wasn’t sick in this moment, she had a tendency to look ghastly, which concerned grandmother Bianca dearly. Her mother was weak, though, in comparison to other middle-aged women, so taking care of her was Ana’s priority. Always. That’s why her father’s earnest request for them to go on vacation, to get some Vitamin D and relaxation, was something they couldn’t refuse even if they both knew he didn’t like his girls being far away from him. Ever. Now holding hands, Ana let her little body take charge and lead her mother into their humble abode. Their gardens was one of the best in SoCal because Gabriel knew it brought both his girls peace and if he made his home exactly what they wanted, they wouldn’t want to leave, which for the most part, is how things have always been. Up until Ana started making friends with people that weren’t family, like Iris and Gia, this is how things were. Aside from them, Mina Bellerose came to visit and was Ana’s first friend, but respected his law. She’d bring the party to his house, not the other way around, taking his daughter away from him. Blair and Ana never strayed too far from the nest unless he allowed it. With the ‘witches’, Ana wanted to be out more and that was a battle that she’d have to fight on her own. If Scott had to constantly duke things out with his father, so did the princess. Blair knew this would help her in the long run, socially and well, to be more of a kid than a caged bird. When the maid opened the entrance door, Ana ‘called out’, which was really an average talking voice since she usually just whispers, [b][color=#7954f2]“Daddy, we’re home…” [/color][/b] There were few things in the world that could make Gabriel happy. Most things in the world just made him some variation of grumpy; it was a combination of his line of work and his upbringing, but the reality was… Gabriel Lyon was not a pleasant person. He was rarely happy, he was never satisfied… even so, hearing his daughter’s voice was a fairly easy way to cheer him up, just a little bit. So, when he was sitting in the living room and watching TV (he was watching A Pup Named Scooby-Doo), and he heard his daughter’s voice flutter into his ears, as soft as ever, a curious thing happened. Something that was rare, and out of place happened… Gabriel smiled. With the smile still on his face, Gabriel headed toward the entrance. He was happy to see his girls; finally something nice would be in this house. All he had was his son and that… got real old, real fast. He was raising a goddamn pussy, somehow! He didn’t even understand how someone could grow up with him for a father and be such a… weasely little twat. It didn’t make sense to Gabriel. Thinking about it killed his vibe, and by the time he was in the line of sight of his girls, the smile had faded and was replaced by Gabriel’s natural, grumpy looking expression. His voice, at least, didn’t [i]sound[/i] grumpy. [b][color=#086d39]“Right on time. It’s good to see you guys. How was the trip?”[/color][/b] While a butler grabbed Blair’s jacket and purse, the mother gave her daughter a simple ‘you go’ look, giving her more opportunities to speak. Swaying from her toes to her heels, back and forth, back and forth, her hands clasped together, having released her mother’s hand the moment they were in front of father, Ana gracefully and with the sweetest politeness of the world answered, [b][color=#7954f2]“It was delightful, though a little lonesome since I missed you. I spent a lot of time playing Solene and reading with mommy.” [/color][/b]When the waiting staff was done with handling the ladies’ things, Blair went beside her husband, kissing his cheek but ultimately staying quiet. Gabriel nodded. He would hope the trip had been good; after all, he sent them to a private island, where they would be just as babied, sheltered, and cared for as they would be at home. Their vacations were done by design, because Gabriel wasn’t about to send them just anywhere. Neither of them much cared for people, and he wasn’t going to force them to suffer the presence of others if they didn’t have to. When Blair took her spot at his side, Gabriel draped an arm around her and returned the kiss on her cheek. [b][color=#086d39]“Good. You’re home now, and you don’t have to go anywhere for awhile, if you don’t want to.” [/color][/b]Gabriel smiled and put a hand on his daughter’s shoulder, giving it a small squeeze of reassurance. He was just happy they were back and in one piece. His hand caused Ana to stop swaying, but her anxiety was going up the charts with his last comment. Was it worth hanging out with her friends? Could she push things off? … she really missed them. Blair continued to eye her daughter which wasn’t making this any easier. There was also the news of probably, maybe, running for like secretary or something for the student council! Emmy-Lou said she had a running mate in mind but ever since Mina told her this could really help her grow, she felt like hey, maybe it was worth a try. Plus, there wasn’t anyone running for secretary if she wasn’t mistaken! That meant she might win by default. [b][color=#7954f2]“Daddy… I…” [/color][/b]Her thumbs started battling each other, as her gaze diverted from looking into her father’s dark gaze. There was a light ‘tsk’ from Blair, which swiftly brought Ana back to looking at her father. Don’t break eye contact. Speak with confidence. Tell him what you want. Hope for the best. Don’t overreact like Scott. [b][color=#7954f2]“I was wondering… well, you see… I read this really good book, The Mists of Avalon, and I wanted to share my thoughts with my friends… at one of their houses… probably Dahlia’s… this weekend. For one night! I, uh, also want to get their opinions on the idea of me running in the sudden, super sudden, school election. I think being a cute little secretary would suit me.” [/color][/b]Her voice got quieter and quieter the more and more she explained herself. With the reveal of the election, Blair’s expression changed from encouraging to bafflement. This was news to her too. Ana actually wanted to do a speech in front of people? Was this even her idea? The worries feeling Blair about the possible ridicule her daughter could go through if she embarrassed herself. Ana wasn’t the most sociable and she literally feared being in the spotlight: [b][color=#db3f46]“Are you sure?”[/color][/b] There was a lot there to take in. Ana had said many words, and only a few of them were like things she would normally say. He was used to her asking to spend time with her friends, and that wasn’t a problem. She wanted one night, she could have two nights if she wanted — he didn’t mind that. He was, however, slightly concerned about a school election. That wasn’t something he had heard about… Granted, he didn’t really get along with Scott, and had very few other connections to the school. However, he couldn’t help but feel a bit of pride in what Ana was suggesting. It was good of her to try and get herself out there, and be… more. Gabriel, perhaps to the surprise of everyone in the room, waved Blair’s concerns away and looked at his daughter and nodded. [b][color=#086d39]“I think that's a good idea. Why don’t you take the whole weekend, instead just one night?”[/color][/b] [b][color=#7954f2]“REALLY?” [/color][/b][i]Le gasp. [/i]Anastasia had a full weekend with her besties?! Well, she needed to see if Dahlia was okay with it, which she was sure she would, since it helped her escape from the screaming matches of her parents. A WHOLE weekend for witch activity!! She hadn’t done fun rituals and ceremonies since the last time she saw them. There was so much they could do now that she was back. [b][color=#7954f2]“THANK YOU DADDY.” [/color][/b]The little girl clapped her gloved hands together in energetic excitement. This took a surprising turn that Blair liked seeing. This was a side she wished one day her class could see. Happy-go-lucky, bubbly Anastasia Lyon. [b][color=#7954f2]“May I call Doll, please?” [/color][/b]She kindly asked to be excused so she can get in contact with the leader of her pack, Dahlia Rothstein. At this, Gabriel nodded, and gave his daughter a kiss on her cheek. [b][color=#086d39]“Of course you can. Be good.” [/color][/b]Gabriel said, gesturing for Ana to get on her way. He had something he needed to deal with anyway — he knew why Blair and Ana came home early, Blair had texted him. He knew what was coming… and it wasn’t his fault; Scott was just a piece of garbage. When their daughter rushed off, Blair faced her husband and although her eyes had daggers in them, they still respected his authority, [b][color=#db3f46]“Care to explain the six voicemails from [i]our [/i]son? What [i]exactly [/i]happened while I was away, Gabriel? You can’t just go kicking him out, thinking that’s the best way he’ll learn his lessons.” [/color][/b]Although she wanted to be upset at him, she wasn’t one to put up a fight like Kylie does with Troy. She sought answers, but ultimately would accept whatever he gave her. She loved him too much to stay mad at him. [b][color=#086d39]“He wouldn’t stop crying about that Katie girl, so I told him to stop whining and go figure something out to get over her. I got sick of it, he’s [i]my[/i] son and he acts like that? Come on.” [/color][/b]Gabriel said in a huff, folding his arms over his chest. Scott was a disappointment, in every sense of the word, but Blair was good at helping him see straight, and at least acknowledge he’d possibly overreacted. He wasn’t going to die on the hill, but he felt like he had a case that could be made. [b][color=#086d39]“I flipped him out of his chair and told him to go figure shit out with Katie, or not to come back. He figured shit out, and where is he now? Sitting upstairs with AJ.”[/color][/b] [b][color=#db3f46]“Oh? I didn’t know he was here.” [/color][/b]The news of her son being safe and at home caused all her concerns and worries to disappear. Perhaps Gabriel did a good thing and ignited the Lyon in Scott. The chair flipping wasn’t necessary and perhaps he was too harsh, dropping threats and making their son scared shitless... She’d have to teach her husband to not yell when he wants to set things straight, get more on a friend level than being the scary-fucking-Reaper that he was. Teaching Gabriel to share his feelings in a kinder manner, though, to anyone that wasn’t her was a lifelong challenge. [b][color=#db3f46]“I suppose I’ll let this pass, but we need to work on your tone and temper. This is the age where Scott needs a heart-to-heart with you, not be thrown to the wolves like you were. It’s hard, I get it, and you want him to just know how to man up but if you need someone to blame, blame me. I spoiled him. You did warn me what it would do to him, but I didn’t listen, so it’s my fault.” [/color][/b]She wanted to see her son. [b][color=#086d39]“Whatever.”[/color][/b] It was close enough, right? Gabriel was done with the conversation — he didn’t have any interest in continuing it, and he didn’t think Blair had any interest in anything he didn’t want. [b][color=#086d39]“SCOTT! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!”[/color][/b] A pause. [b][color=#e2e250]“What do you want, motherfucker!?”[/color][/b] After that, Gabriel stared at his wife, with an ‘i told you so look on his face,’ and let it sit for a second, before he replied. [b][color=#086d39]“YOUR MOTHER IS HERE!”[/color][/b] [b][color=#db3f46]“Hey Munchkin! Hey AJ! Come give me a hug.” [/color][/b] [b][color=#ff9c23]“Yeah, Munchkin. Let’s give your moms a hug.” [/color][/b]AJ teased his friend. [/indent]