Steve was all about helping in some way, so the fact that he could potentially help with moving the truck was great. Ordering a pizza was nothing. It would take two minutes once he actually dialed the phone. He was about to answer regarding the truck when Olivia piped up. He'd caught the look from Ethan. It was a look he was very used to when his siblings were having issues with each other and wanted an escape. It was something he was kind of thankful until now he didn't have to put up with anymore. But this was a stressful situation for them, to say the least. He could at least make things easier on his friend. "I know when we moved in, getting settled in was all I could think of. It helped we had someone willing to move the truck for us." He'd phrased it carefully, because he certainly didn't want to bring up the fact that it had been her late parents that had moved the truck for them. They didn't exactly feel like his parents, but they'd impacted his life the few times he'd been around them and he was grateful for every time. His gaze shifted to Ethan, raising his brows slightly like a questioning shrug before looking at Olivia again. "Why don't you go settle, and I'll get the truck moved and pizza ordered? You'll be happier in the long run doing it like that. Then once you're settled I'm sure your brother can help you with learning manual." He'd have made the offer to help too, but that was more a brother sister thing than something he could step in on. Not without talking to Ethan. As sure as he was his friend was going to be working hard and a lot the coming weeks to make up for all the time off in the past month, he couldn't just invite himself into their relationship more than they were already intertwined now. Steve offered both his roommates - a concept that was starting to freak him out a little now that it was a reality - a smile before heading to the truck and climbing in the driver's seat. He wasn't going to let on that he was a bit freaked about it - that was entirely unfair after suggesting it to make everything easier. It wasn't a problem. It wasn't; it was just the thoughts going through his head of what his family would think having a teen girl living with them. Everything else about being in a bachelor pad - not that Steve or Ethan threw wild parties, but it was definitely a different freedom not really worrying too heavily on influencing an impressionable teen - kind of went into the air too. But they'd make it work. He wanted it to work, since it didn't feel like he'd done much else to help with the whole awful situation of coping with their parent's death.