Lunise had to shift a little while Meesei transformed. No matter how many times she witnessed it, being in physical contact with her during the process always had an extra layer of visceral thuds and cracks she could feel. Nevertheless, she tried not to show her disturbed reaction. She was still composing herself from her prior emotional moment. "Yes, you are overdue to see this place more fully, Meesei," Lunise responded. "And I should like to thank Zyausak for his consideration. I shall give up no pride by admitting I am abashed that we unwittingly took over his chamber for a short while." Lunise stood up and began gathering up the tea set. They still had a little left over in the pot but she was just as eager as Meesei to get moving. On top of that, Lunise took the opportunity to smile pointedly at Meesei while clearing her throat, gesturing with her eyes at her bare form.