[Center][img] https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/64235d87-8283-4022-9409-ed2f42d5c133.png [/img][/center] [Right][sub]Location: [Color=FF8888]Party boat[/color][/sub][/right] Indecision sucks. Looking out across the fine blue water, Merlou honestly wasn't so sure about this whole giant island party thing. Not that she didn't enjoy a good party, of course she did. It's just that she didn't know Rachel very well and the fact that she would invite her to a private island [i]and[/i] pay for her trip seemed like a bit...much for someone she barely knew, not that she wasn't grateful, she was! She just kind of felt bad being sort of a "friend of a friend" since she knew Theo and Theo knew Rachel and Merlou definitely didn't want to overstay her welcome, but she also felt that it would've been rude had she rejected, though she didn't exactly want to say no either; it wasn't everyday she got to participate in something like this. Plus it sounded like a hell of a lot of fun. Her family may have been wealthy, but it had been a hot second since she actually spoke to them and she absolutely refused to mooch off of them. But as she contemplated this dilemma on the deck of a [i]cruise ship[/i] (holy shit), a Dr. Pepper in her hand because she was saving the actual drinking for later, she watched the waves brush against the hull of the large ship, using the rowdiness of the crowd around her as a sort of white noise. It helped her think in her own way. But there wasn't really anything to be done about her indecision, she was already on the ship and not too far away from the island itself. God, she felt bad. She'd have to make it up to Rachel sometime maybe. Or would that be too strange? The tall brunette sighed, raising the soda to her lips to take a drink. Before this, Louie almost hadn't made it in time, which was basically pretty expected of her, she had a habit of being late for many occasions and not in a fashionable way. Having a horrible sense of direction, she basically lost her way. She wouldn't be surprised if it took her an hour or two to find her...cabana? Is that what it's called? A seaside cabin, to put it simply. Of all the things she could do, being on time wasn't one of them, even if it was a bit of an over exaggeration. Honestly though, she did try her best. She really did. [hr] [Right][sub]Location: [Color=FF8888]Intro Party[/color] ↠ [Color=FF8888]Cabana[/color] ↠ [Color=FF8888]The Bar[/color][/sub][/right] [Right][sub]Interactions: [color=FF8888]Theo[/color][@Spooner] [color=FF8888]Remi[/color][@Vox] [color=FF8888]Farah[/color][@Hero][/sub][/right] As soon as the boat docked and they all took their exit, which Merlou was glad because she couldn't help but admit that she was starting to get a tad seasick, she was almost immediately overwhelmed with everything that was going on. With fire dancers and giant ass LED screens, the shock factor soon faded and was replaced with awe and curiosity as she listened to Rachel's very excited speech. Merlou couldn't wait to try out everything on this island as she smiled to herself, lightly cheering as Rachel's speech ended and she disappeared in a golf cart. It was extra and Merlou loved it. Afterwards, she went to go find her assigned Cabana, which took her a bit considering she honestly didn't know where the hell she was going. But finally, after some time asking around, she approached the nice cabin to find that there was already someone occupying one of the beds. She looked around, but it seemed that they had already left. Setting her own stuff down on an empty bed, she did her best to organize everything to make it look nice, but realizing that organization wasn't her stongsuit, she just placed everything else under the bed and called it a day. Leaving the smaller cabana, the young woman stood outside, her hands placed on her hips and let out a short breath. The trip had been long and somewhat tiring and she was ready to sit, but she was also ready to enjoy the waves and the bonfire party that was going to happen soon. So, instead of going back inside and lying down, as tempting as it sounded, she made her way to the beach where everything was supposed to happen, but as she ventured further into the sandy paradise, she just [i]happened[/i] to notice a certain somebody sitting at the bar. There were already quite a few people there already, but she didn't care. [Color=FF8888]"Theo! Teds! Teddy!"[/color] She called out toward him, making a beeline toward the young man, a large smile on her face. She hadn't seen him in nearly a month! Which didn't seem like a long time, but to her, it was basically a century. Walking up next to him, she leaned over onto the bar. [Color=FF8888]"Hey! How are you? You look nice!"[/color] Merlou grinned cheerfully, raising her eyebrows when she noticed her old friend Remi sitting next to him. [Color=FF8888]"Remi!"[/color] Reaching her arm over the counter and lighty touching her friend's arm in greeting. She turned to the bartender, resting her chin on a propped elbow abd said, [Color=FF8888]"Hi, can I just get a water for now?"[/color]