[hider=Shiori][hr][hr][center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjEwNi5jZGE0ZjQuVTJocGIzSnBJRVoxYW1sdmEyRSwuMA,,/unicorn-sparkles.regular.png[/img] [/center][hr][hr] [sub][color=CC99FF][u]Name [/u][/color][/sub] 藤岡 栞 [sub][Fujioka Shiori][/sub] | Shiori Fujioka [sub][color=CC99FF][u]Age [/u][/color][/sub] 21 [sub][color=CC99FF][u]Gender [/u][/color][/sub] Female [sub][color=CC99FF][u]Sexuality [/u][/color][/sub] Heterosexual [sub][color=CC99FF][u]Appearance [/u][/color][/sub] [hider=Shiori] [img]https://scontent-sjc3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/67340493_2336274149944452_8080787534981890048_n.jpg?_nc_cat=109&_nc_oc=AQkcDt9DYmxWM1jq-FxyBdhta5iSLRqYmZcpXOkvCvLH5wuNzC1yNdAaZMeLYcrKQtA&_nc_ht=scontent-sjc3-1.xx&oh=4231ff97a42f788ecfe532e8d7a57af9&oe=5DAFD321[/img][/hider] There isn't a single jet-black hair on her head or an inch of her porcelain skin that isn't meticulously taken care of. Her nails are always manicured, eyebrows perfectly plucked, and she goes well out of her way to take excellent care of her (arguably) perfect body both with diet and exercise. Everything she wears is specifically chosen to compliment her skin and winter tones while maximizing her fabulousness; she has the body to wear anything she pleases and she takes full advantage of it. [url=https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0974/6976/products/4295513713_938251155_grande.jpg?v=1527194674]Her[/url] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f8/a0/d0/f8a0d0991887767aee5286670109c2b8.jpg]outfits[/url] [url=https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/Q6a0tdc.gHA5dsy_5Er3YQ--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTY0MDtoPTk1OS44MTQ5MjE5MjAxODU-/https://s.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/4VEe16keDO0.CR8PE79eXQ--~B/aD01MTg2O3c9MzQ1ODtzbT0xO2FwcGlkPXl0YWNoeW9u/http://media.zenfs.com/en/homerun/feed_manager_auto_publish_494/13b4ce33025718ae0967d4c8a999d89d]range[/url] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/750x/86/39/fc/8639fcacf62a43aebded4211327adc71.jpg]but[/url] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/2e/88/18/2e881858aa5a1d6e7078378a19cf1305.jpg]they[/url] [url=https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1566/4355/products/QQ_20170123170326_compact.png?v=1485209357]are[/url] [url=https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1566/4355/products/QQ_20161209135815_large.png?v=1487195273]all[/url] [url=https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1566/4355/products/QQ_20170727204756_92733cd8-ff9b-456b-a1a2-281778ba8aa3_large.png?v=1513748526]cute[/url] [url=https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1566/4355/products/image_f5fe5b4d-66e3-44fb-b6f2-92bd0f5a7084_large.jpeg?v=1508635924]and[/url] [url=https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1566/4355/products/QQ_20170727204910_efb7b227-7d7f-4817-ac6f-24ab340081d5_large.png?v=1513748526]fashionable.[/url] Her makeup is usually on the lighter side, but if she's feeling adventurous she'll made it pop. [sub][color=CC99FF][u]Personality [/u][/color][/sub] Perky and inhumanely upbeat, Shiori Fujioka is a name most people won't go forgetting once they meet. She comes off as friendly and charming, though there is a certain cluelessness and tone-deaf pattern when it comes to certain topics. Being in the spotlight is a burden she carries very well, more than happy to keep the topic on herself and her multitude of whimsical stories about her past experiences. As a young adult she is somewhat immature and more than willing to throw money at whatever problems arise; it makes the world go round so it can solve any issues, too, right? Quick to judge and quicker to speak her mind (even if no one asked), she definitely gives off the image of a spoiled heiress. Shiori doesn't seem to be able to handle being alone for too long. She doesn't take it well when ignored, either, looking for other avenues for attention. While it'll likely be a cold day in hell before she ever admits it, the idea of ending up a nobody terrifies her to no end. It's easy to bury herself in her belongings or wealth or even a person so long as she satisfies her needs. [sub][color=CC99FF][u]Biography [/u][/color][/sub] Ushio Fujioka and Kaori Wataba were a pair of Fragmented souls destined for one another. With Wataba Software Engineering at its peak and the Fujioka Corporation looking to cement its place as the best technology company in Japan, their reunion spelled out great things for both companies. Of course, there was also the elation the two experienced, being one another's missing puzzle piece meant that happily ever after was all but guaranteed. Ushio was a stern man softened by his new wife while Kaori was content in being a trophy wife wholly dedicated to her husband, the pair's bond widely publicized and milked for all the good publicity it was worth. After years of a blissful marriage (and timed when the pair could take a break from their busy lives), they decided to start a family. Spoiled even before she was born, Shiori didn't stand a chance against the wealth and luxury she was born into. Her every need was attended to the second the opened her mouth and she was given only the best: the top tutors, designer clothes, skincare procedures that could be used as a down payment for a home for most people. Everything about her life was out in the open, albeit for a majority of her life she felt like she was just floating along for the ride. Despite the image of having a picture perfect family, it became obvious during her teenage years that despite being living proof of her parents' love, they were more interested in sustaining their marriage than actually raising their children. The neglect resulted in a lonely and sheltered upbringing, with Shiori relying on her nannies for parental support. Instead of producing a naive heiress, however, they created what the Yakima Academy for Girls called a monster. Talented and beautiful, it was easy for her to amass a following both in school and on social media, relying heavily on the validation of others. Being Fragmented only added to it; obviously she was destined for a soulmate, one that would be bound to her for life, one that couldn't leave or ignore her no matter what. If it was romantic or platonic then perfect, although even an antagonistic one meant that she actually meant something to someone. But until she found them, she would happily live her carefree life doing as she pleased. When the letter arrived, she had initially assumed that it was some sort of sweepstakes she had won or something. After receiving some clarification, she decided that it was an opportunity to find her [I]soulmate[/I] and a killer chance to have a celebration in such a prestigious location. It was basically a giant party to her, and so she bought an entirely new wardrobe, packed them into several bags, and booked a private flight there. Ready or not, Shiori Fujioka was coming! [sub][color=CC99FF][u]Other [/u][/color][/sub] She is currently pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration at the insistence of her father. She is the second highest non-actor/non-singer followed on Instagram. Supposedly she's something of a fashion guru, but many know the heiress is known due to her father's company. Despite being born and raised in Tokyo, Japan, she is known to frequent Beverly Hills, California once in a while. While there are an array of rumors as to why, she goes there when she wants to be invisible for once. CC99FF ★ [/hider]