Almost immediately as those words left Himeko's mouth, Chise's more serious visage shattered. Her eyes were shining, and it almost appeared as if there was a little drool in the corner of her mouth. "Really?" she asked, excitement creeping into her voice immediately, "Is that okay, onee-san? Is that really okay?" She took a step forward, the offer of sweets having instantly won her over. Hina's eyes, meanwhile, were shining for an entirely different reason. The idea of a miko fighting evil spirits and speaking to the gods absorbed her attention thoroughly. If that was all true, then the miko was definitely a magical girl, wasn't she?! There was no question of it, someone like that absolutely had to be a magical girl! In fact, she was already feeling incredibly confident in this plan. The little brunette girl had no doubt in her mind that they'd truly found a magical girl, and that they could even defeat her tonight! Sure, it would be their first battle against another magical girl, and that was going to be way different than fighting shades, but still! [@RolePlayerRoxas][@Raineh Daze]