[@CollectorOfMyst] Would it be fine for a character to have some prior history with the Cult of the Dragon? While I don't plan to be a former member or anything, I do have a little reference that's tangentially related to my character's backstory. If not, I can easily make it work after Greenest~ My character idea is a failed cult leader for the Demon Lord Dagon who blames his lack of success to the Cult of the Dragon (out of belief that they stole the members of his similarly named "Cult of [i]the[/i] Dagon"). Of course, if the knowledge of the cult's existence would be too much for a character to have at this point, I can always have him prospectively looking at Greenest to start his cult operations only to have whatever starting events kick off. As for class, I was considering doing a pseudo-tank Bladelock, but going Fighter/Warlock or even just a Fighter also works out if we're in need of a tank and you're looking specifically for d10+ classes.