This is my CS just so I can copy/paste later. Name: Uran Age: 26 Race: Orc Appearance: Big and green. -Height and Weight- 6'6, 257 lbs -Hair and Eyes- Foot long black dreads, bright orange eyes. -Face- Handsome "for an Orc" with a stern jaw and low brows, his lower fangs coming up from his mouth give him a slightly pouty look. Wide nose. A small one inch brow horn above the outside corner of each brow. -Body and Build- Pretty ripped. Basic Orc anatomy. Broad chest, abs, built to hunt and fight and do both well. -Features- No tattoos, lots of scars. Back is adorned with a half dozen slashes, chest has a large stab scar from a sword to the pectorals, three arrow peircing scars on left of chest, left arm had a long mottled scar from middle of forearm to left shoulder from a shield being smashed by an overgrown troll, three inch scar horizontally over right brow, about a dozen others across his body that are too small to really note. Birthsign: The Steed