[quote=@souleaterfan320] ???: *drops down from my perch silently, and follows you, blending in with the crowd* [/quote] *I make my way through the crowd easily as they move at my approach, most likely due to the regal clothing I'm wearing and the way with which I carry myself. I smirk* [I]Good to see these humans still remember their place. Now-[/I] *I let my gaze drift around the village, before settling it on the largest building at the northernmost end of the area* [I]-I should probably find whoever's in charge and ask them for more information on the surrounding area to get my bearings. Huh. I hadn't noticed it before, but my mind seems to be more sluggish now.[/I] *I raise my hand up to my face and stare at it for a bit, before balling it into a fist* [I]I actually have to think about my next move now rather than simply doing it. Looks like that jaunt through the rift took more from me than I originally thought...[/I] *I shake my head as I unclench my hand and let it fall limply to my side. Pushing the thought to the back of my mind, I continue my journey to the large wooden building. I could worry about such things later. For now, figuring out just where and when I was, was far more important*