Griffith would turn back to staring at the moonlight after Simon departed, looking as graceful as ever as the soft wind lifts his hair "I"ll find you witch... And you will become mine.. I will not accept failure.." He said to himself. He reached into his satched to retreive his blue silk robe that was lined in gold and slung it over his shoulder as he climbed up on his horse once more. His sword on his side and his armor stored in the horse luggage. He would make hos way to the forest, enjoying the ride. Nyla was kneeling by a berry bush at this point, picking and eating berries happily with her sword strapped to her back. After having her fill, shed cover her fave in the cloth mask she had. She knew that Griffith was looking for her, but she did not know how close he already was. She would travel deeper into the forest with caution bwfore finding anothwr trer to climb upon and rest in without detection. Atleast thats what she hoped.