Kirugetsu waited, hit on nurses, and had a snack while his squad was treated at the hospital. As it so happened, they didn't take quite as long as he thought they would. He was in the middle of recalling the look that the Inuzuka girl gave him after his threat. Her words were the words of a scared and angry young woman who was naive to the ways of the world, as well. Yes, he was willing to harm his students if it helped them become better warriors. Yes, he was willing to push them to the brink of death if it meant they would survive the coming storm. Yes, he was willing to make them wish he wasn't ever their teacher if it meant they could withstand the torment of war. But this girl was raised in the woods like a barbarian and didn't know how things went. That was why he would be forced to forgive her ignorance. Maruki and Shisen came out and approached him, with the Hyuga commenting on where they were going to eat. [B]"You'll find out. Just follow along."[/B] Initially, Kirugetsu wanted to go back to the Golden Cat. However, the last time he was there a fight broke out just outside the restaurant. Better to let that all cool down before returning, he figured. Where else would they go? Hmm. Oh well, he'd figure it out. As they walked, Shisen and Maruki chit-chatted... with Shisen outright ignoring the Hozuki. On and on they walked, with her still acting like he wasn't there... until Kirugetsu stopped outside a little "mom and pop" place called Toko's Spicy Delights. [B]"Here we are. This place is as good as any, I reckon."[/B] and as the group went to enter, Kirugetsu put his hand in front of Shisen and blocked her entry. [B]"Where do you think YOU'RE going? You want to be childish and pretend I don't exist, I can do the same. You eat somewhere else and on your own dime."[/B] A smug little smile crept onto his face, exposing his shark-like teeth. [B]"And find Kino while you're out. Do that and I'll maybe get you something nice down the road. Otherwise you and I are going to have a rocky relationship."[/B] His mind spoken, Kirugetsu left a water clone at the door of the restaurant to bar Shisen's entry as the original walked inside and motioned for Maruki to follow. Hopefully the kid would be smart enough to realize that Shisen was being taught a valuable lesson in dealing with consequences. Regardless of if Maruki followed or decided to leave with Shisen, Kirugetsu walked in and was seated at a table by a very polite young man and told he would have an appetizer free of charge with his meal. Being a Jounin in the village sure had benefits, that was for sure. And despite Kirugetsu's preference for uncooked food, this time he chose to have some Takoyaki for his appetizer, Kamo Nanban (Soba noodles with sliced duck breast, scallions and mitsuba) as his meal, and some a couple of dried persimmon fruit as his dessert. It was unusual for him to eat cooked things, but this had been an unusual day... so why not, right?