Penelope gave a small nod in return as Crow said he was ready to try it. She pressed against his hand slightly, trying to silently indicate to step back right before she took her step towards him. As she did, the knight couldn't help but notice how heavy her feet were feeling. She had to resist the urge to drag them, knowing it would be rather sloppy form if she did. Distracted by her own weariness, she nearly missed the step back. The knight blinked with realization and guided them backwards again to their original spot. Now more concerned about making sure she was leading correctly, Penelope barely paid any attention to making sure Crow was doing the steps right and keeping up with his posture. She found it difficult to keep a slow pace, subconsciously wanting to speed up so they would be done sooner. However, she fought against the urge for Crow's sake and kept the slow pace going. As they completed the circle, she let go of his right hand and lowered her own back down to her side. "Just keep your left hand connected to mine and turn slightly when I move so we'll still be facing each other." she instructed, stifling another yawn. Since this part was pretty much just her moving, she went ahead and sped up the pace a bit. She moved to walk around him, giving a small hop with her steps. She gripped his hand lightly and guided it up as she spun in a circle. As she came back to face him, the knight felt herself sway on her feet. Normally going in a circular motion didn't bother, however she suspected it had to do greatly with how tired she was. It took a moment for the knight to realize Crow was probably waiting for further instruction, but she dreaded going any further. Not because of the dance itself but rather just because of how tired she felt. Plus it wouldn't be fair to teach Crow something and not even be doing it right herself. Having made her decision, she removed her hand from his and let out a breath. "Lets take a break before we go onto the next part." she said. "What! But the next part is the best part!" Naida whined. Penelope rolled her eyes, knowing the princess thought that since it was the part where they would get close to each other. "We'll get to it in a moment, it's just a break." she muttered. The knight moved over to sit on the bed of the bed and let out a breath of relief at the feeling of getting off of her feet. Tired and tempted, she flopped back onto the soft bed as she tired to recover from her weariness. [i]We'll just relax for a minute... or two[/i] She though as her eyelids slowly began to close.