[b]Name of Ship:[/b] SSV Glasgow [b]Home Universe/Name of Franchise: [/b] [url=https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Mass_Effect_Wiki] Mass Effect. [/url] [b]Ship Class:[/b] [url=https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Starships#Cruisers] Cruiser [/url] [b]Role:[/b] a cruiser, it's basically the frontline fighter of space combat. [b]Physical Description/Image:[/b][hider=The ship] [img]http://pre08.deviantart.net/23f3/th/pre/f/2012/276/b/6/alliance_fleet_by_thekillercobra-d5gnk0r.png [/img] [/hider] [b]Physical Size (roughly):[/b]707 Meters [b]Armament/Complement (roughly): [/b] [list] [*][url=https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Codex/Weapons,_Armor_and_Equipment#Kinetic_Barriers_.28.22Shields.22.29]Kinetic Barriers [/url] [*][url=https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Codex/Ships_and_Vehicles#Weapons:_Ablative_Armor] Ablative Armor [/url] [*] [url=https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Codex/Ships_and_Vehicles#Weapons:_Disruptor_Torpedoes]3 tubes of Disruptor torpedos. [/url] [*] [url=https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Codex/Ships_and_Vehicles#Weapons:_Javelin] 2 tubes of Javelin Torpedos [/url] [*] [url=https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Codex/Ships_and_Vehicles#FTL_Drive] Standard FTL drive [/url] [*] [url=https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Codex/Ships_and_Vehicles#Weapons:_GARDIAN] 6 GARDIAN class anti-fighter, anti missile turrets [/url] [*][url=https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Codex/Ships_and_Vehicles#Starships:_Heat_Management] Heat dispersal units. [/url] [*] [url=https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Codex/Ships_and_Vehicles#Weapons:_Mass_Accelerators] 1 bow mounted Kinetic accelerator. [/url] This is used in the opening of combat, fulfilling a very much long distance role. After all Isaac Newton is the deadliest mother fucker in space. [*] 60x Broadside Kinetic accelerator 15 for it's 2 decks, starboard, and portside. [*] [url=https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Codex/Ships_and_Vehicles#Starships:_Sensors] Standard Sensors [/url] [*] [url=https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Codex/Ships_and_Vehicles#Starships:_Thrusters] Standard military grade thrusters [/url] [/list] [b]History of the Ship:[/b]The Glasgow is a York-class cruiser. One of the largest cruisers in the Systems Alliance Navy. 5 decks in total. 1 Officers deck, 2 gun decks, engineering deck, and a hangar/storage deck. The top most gun deck also serves as the command deck, and both gun decks have crew quarters. The Glasgow was handed to one Captain Travis Elliot shortly before the Battle of the Citadel, and attached to fifth fleet. The Cruiser had barely been out of dry dock, before it was thrust into combat. They received a call from a system alliance commander, turned spectre for aid in citadel space. The fearsome geth were being led by a spectre turned traitor named Saren. So the fifth fleet was sent through the relays into the battle of the citadel. The crew were put through their trial of fire, helping engage geth ships, even landing a couple. But the order came in, the fifth fleet was to protect The Destiny Ascension, where the council of the Citadel were currently aboard. This cost them a third of fifth fleet, and Travis Elliot many friends. But in the end, The council was saved. Paving way for humanity to enter the council of citadel space. But this left a bitter taste in some of the members of fifth fleet, who saw the loss of life as nothing more than political maneuvering. After the battle of The Citadel. The Glasgow, and the fifth fleet ended up getting a few peaceful moments when they were set to guard against Batarian slavers, and their raids on systems alliance planets. But it didn't take long for the Batarians to go oddly silent, and the raids to mysteriously cease. A couple months later they found their answer. A new threat, The Reapers. A species of sentient AI had come to wipe them out. All of the fleets humanity had to offer tried to slow them down, but ultimately once they reached the sol system they were forced onto the run. The Fifth Fleet was scattered to the wind in a hostile galaxy. Hit, and run attacks worked well against The Reapers, but they were too strong. They were losing. The crew of The Glasgow were tired, they had been pushed to their limits, and they were lost. But then the order came. "Take back Earth." So they hopped aboard the closest relay, and joined onto The battle of Earth. Travis had never seen so many ships in his life. Every race in the galaxy was there to help retake Earth, but still The Reapers were heavily favored in this battle. They were just there to stall so The Crucible, a secret weapon designed to take on The Reapers could fire. It was here the crew of The Glasgow proved their worth, helping screen shuttles to enter the planet, and even deploying their own ground compliment. Holding off The Reapers, with the aid of a sister ship. The battle for Earth was one of the most intense battles the crew had ever been in, and The Glasgow did sustain damages during it. With multiple hull breaches they couldn't hold out much longer, and they thought it was the end. Their one hope had gone radio silent, the ground crews were reporting heavy casualties, the fleets were reporting heavy damages, or casualties. Then it happened. The crucible fired, and a pulse swept through the battlefield The Reapers just stopped fighting, and the relay's went dark. Leaving The Battlefield eerily quiet for a few moments. Then the cheers came, and it echoed so loudly through the communications systems that the crew were sure they'd go deaf. But shortly after the celebration, the reality sunk in. Billions dead, multiple ships lost, millions of military personnel lost, and to top it all of The Relay's went dark. They were now isolated. It's been two years since The Battle of Earth. The other species tried to do what they could to get back home mostly opting for using their FTL drives. While the Systems Alliance worked on rebuilding Earth, and eventually even got the Relay's running again. Three ships were chosen at random to enter the Relay to see if they worked as they used to, to go restore order and peace to the the human systems around them, and search for the council. The Glasgow is one of the three, sent because The Systems Alliance isn't sure if The Reapers are still waiting for them out there, and The Glasgow is more than happy to go. [b]Notable Crew:[/b][list] [*]Captain Travis Elliot: [hider=Appearance][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9d/06/3e/9d063e5976c926473f66bedf4bd40c29.jpg[/img] [/hider] Travis Elliot is a former Alliance marine, turned naval officer because of a combat injury. He is an exemplary officer, who cares for the lives of his crew more than his own. He'd do anything to keep them safe, even if it meant sacrificing his pride, and joy The Glasgow. Also considered a competent officer in his own right. Keeping the crews spirits high after first contact with The Reapers. [*]Major Adrian Laskey: [hider=Appearance] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/fdb7b1dd-fed6-48da-9c29-09000ae48aa7/d4z9632-9199fa95-6411-452a-8bd9-4dd22a754d32.jpg/v1/fill/w_879,h_909,q_70,strp/joseph_ledger_s_warrior_side_by_catapultedcarcass_d4z9632-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9OTMxIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZmRiN2IxZGQtZmVkNi00OGRhLTljMjktMDkwMDBhZTQ4YWE3XC9kNHo5NjMyLTkxOTlmYTk1LTY0MTEtNDUyYS04YmQ5LTRkZDIyYTc1NGQzMi5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9OTAwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.fEAGFRc4_LL1NudbIvW0sQSkBUoVt8CLvlwiGrkMiEU[/img] Out of Armor. [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/masseffect/images/d/d0/ME2_Terminus_Assault_Armor.png/revision/latest?cb=20120314185756[/img] Armored. [/hider] Adrian Laskey has been aboard The Glasgow since it first left dry dock serving as the commanding officer of the Marine detachment aboard the vessel. A veteran of many battles, a marine officer, and most importantly an efficient leader, and loyal to boot. He serves as Captain Elliot's voice, and is also the XO of The Glasgow. [*]1st LT Sarah Wilkes: [hider=Appearance][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/f462f1ff-90ed-47ef-a8a8-93eee830bb94/d6paq3q-80b33c35-ee3c-48ff-8593-68cd1c16527b.jpg/v1/fill/w_798,h_1001,q_70,strp/mass_effect_3___captain_riley_by_kowachi_d6paq3q-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTI1NSIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2Y0NjJmMWZmLTkwZWQtNDdlZi1hOGE4LTkzZWVlODMwYmI5NFwvZDZwYXEzcS04MGIzM2MzNS1lZTNjLTQ4ZmYtODU5My02OGNkMWMxNjUyN2IuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwMDAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.iE5j_5Q__EJjFCTUOwH5lNh-Na5v2J0oVME9own-w0Q[/img][/hider]Sarah Wilkes is in charge of the small detachment of N7 Special Forces operators on board The Glasgow. Attached to it for it's foray through the newly opened relays. A veteran of several classified missions, and was part of the ground forces left on Earth during The Reaper invasion. Using her biotic abilities, and extensive skills in combat to run guerrilla attacks against reaper held targets. [/list] Optional, but helpful: [b]Unique Technology:[/b]Mass accelerator tech, mass effect generators, kinetic barriers for both ships, and infantry, element zero tech. [b]Crew Size: [/b] 515 (400 sailors, 100 marines, 15 N7 Operatives) Also carrying a compliment of 4 [url=https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/A-61_Mantis_Gunship] Mantes gunships[/url], 10 [url=https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/UT-47_Kodiak_Drop_Shuttle] Kodiak Shuttles [/url] 2 [url=https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/M35_Mako] Mako IFV's [/url] Nicknamed The Jumping Bean, and The Fleabite respectively. [b]Faction/Operator/Owner:[/b] [url=https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Systems_Alliance] Human Systems Alliance [/url]