Ontos said nothing when Raphaella first referred to Edward's family. [b]It[/b] stood quietly, holding [b]its[/b] right elbow as if Raphaella's words struck [b]its[/b] body physically. There may have been correct explanations, correct things to say at this point that could clear the air of confusion, but Ontos knew not what the things to say were. [b]It[/b] listened intently to Raphaella as her words changed direction from Ontos to the whole group. The melancholy upon [b]its[/b] face was gone, though. The implications of their victory upon one of Issun's minions could not be ignored. There was more to do, [b]it[/b] agreed silently. The souls within Ontos clamoured for action. They screamed for validation of the little skillset they all shared. The ability to wage battle. "C̡o̶unt u̢s ͠in̛, p̷rince͡s̛s.̨ W̸e w͝ill do͟ o͢úr͡ p̡ar͞t," said Ontos. From the corner of his gaze, [b]it[/b] saw a pistol fly towards [b]its[/b] body. And an older man than [b]its[/b] body chased after it. "Ẃinst̸o̡n͡!̢ ̀W̢e'l̀l̢ ca̶tch u͜p!̢ G͘o ҉a̢h̛ea̢d͜!" it yelled back. Winston caught what Ontos said, and ran from the scene. His direction seemed quite random, but the two knew where he was going. Winston and Ontos did not leave home this day for a simple walk, but for business. Fortunately, Ontos was only there to watch and learn. The family did not really favour Ontos's strange propensity to refer to [b]itself[/b] as 'we', and nothing persuaded the Forbidden Beast to do otherwise.