The chief’s face turned very solemn. He was quiet for a good few minutes as he thought, taking a few sips of tea. “If i were a younger man, I would not have believed you. The tales of dragons are things of fantasy, tales to tel children. But... When I was a young minnow, I had seen a dragon with my own eyes. I saw him being a storm which destroyed Gransys’s navy, which even to this day had never fully recovered.” Sighing Arduo stood up and began to pace around the room. “I thank you for telling me this, Sylvia. This is most troubling news. If the dragon has truly returned then... Then please, I have a request for you.” The Chief left the room for a moment before returning, carrying a gold ornate medallion. It had a marvelous red gemstone at the center. “Many years ago, I met with Duke Erod and we came to an agreement. For my village, Cassari, to serve under the duke and his kingdom in exchange for his army’s protection. Because we have been at peace for so long we never truly needed his soldiers here, only to patrol the roads so traders can come. But their presence prevents bandits or monsters from trying and attack us. But this amulet is the symbol of our agreement. With this you should be allowed an audience with the duke as my messenger, and please, tell him about the dragon and to send his warriors to protect us.” Sighing the chief say back down to finish his tea. “It shames me to say this, but Cassari is not a village of warriors. Our sailors will brave any storm and can cross the entire ocean, but fighting men or monsters, that is not our way. We’ve had champions before, great heroes, but we have always been a peaceful village protected by our walls and good fortune. But those things will not be enough if the dragon comes here. He could take out village in an hour alone, not to mention what his minions could do. To that end I must call upon the treaties I’ve made and ask the duke for help. And to do that, I need your assistance once more.”