[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/pxA6yON.png[/img][/center] All things considered, Brent would rather be pretty much anywhere rather than where he was. No matter how often he found himself in the high school's detention hall, it never became less soul crushingly boring. No doubt that was the whole point. Maybe if the rebellious youth saw the alternative, they'd get on the straight and narrow just to avoid such a monumental waste of time. Evidently it didn't have a very success rate, considering the sheer amount of familiar faces in the crowd. One such face was currently at the front of the peanut gallery. Something about heading up to the quarry for fireworks to celebrate. To celebrate what, Brent did not know. He figured the immediate silence was going to be his fellow detainee's answer. Then, the impossible happened. Someone accepted the offer. He didn't recognize the girl by name. Word from the grapevine was that she was some rich princess who managed to get busted for drugs in her locker. Somehow her father managed to get her locked up here rather than in juvie. A believable enough story considering what Brent knew about the upper class students at Angel Grove, but usually those types were smart enough not to store drugs in their lockers, and they certainly didn't mingle with the peasants. Unless they were dealing, of course. He considered his options. Did he really want to drive all the way up to the mine just for cheap thrills? Well, he didn't have a shift scheduled at the garage later that day, and it [i]would[/i] give him an excuse to get out of the house and away from his mother for an hour or two. Or three. What the hell, it was something to do. He didn't bother raising his head out of his arms to give his response, and he put his head back down almost immediately after giving it. [color=#DA2C43]"Sure, why not."[/color]