[center][h2][color=ed1c24]Joshua Tamashii[/color][/h2] [@Roseletta][/center] Joshua listened as Amaya proceeded to go on a bit of a monologue, wether to herself or to him as well he could not be certain. But he listened to her words and took them in, causing him to frown at her largely negative view of herself. He knew she was not the most confident person but he had hoped she viewed herself in a more positive light then this. In a way, it made him actually a bit angry at her that she would talk about herself in such a manner. When she apologized for her outburst, he felt a bit guilty, having not wanted to possibly make her feel worse. "[color=ed1c24]You're not insignificant at all, you know that? You are far from it. So never, EVER say you are ever again, you hear me?[/color]" He said to her, his tone a bit stern but still very gentle. When he continued, his tone lost any hint of sternness, instead being as gentle as he could make it. "[color=ed1c24]So, you didn't find your mom like you had hoped. That doesn't mean you should give up. If anything, fate may have blessed you, since you got the original dragon slayers from so long ago in front of you. If anything, they may be able to help you. As for your magic, don't ever think that it's not yours, for that is exactly what it is. It is yours to use and wield as you see fit. You don't need to be some rampaging, short-tempered, fiery, destructive person to be worthy of it. Aurora determined that you were and she taught it to you so that you might be able to protect yourself when you need it but also because I think she knew that you would protect those you care about when you really needed you. You can and will act to protect everyone here when you need to and you just did against Zeref. ZEREF of all people Amaya. Even if you did so out of simple anger, most people would freeze out of fear at the simple mention of the guy's name. But you actually went to fight him with no hesitation. You are braver then you think you are. You can do more then you think you can. I've seen it, Cecelia has seen it, and everyone here has seen it. So there is no reason to change who you are. I hope you never do change. I love the person you are now and I think that person is beautiful. So please, do not think so lowly of yourself.[/color]" ------------------------------------- [center][h2][color=fff200]Amelia Averyonna[/color][/h2] [@MarshiestMallow][/center] Amelia let out a small gasp of surprise as Jarvis suddenly lifted her up into his arms. She did not object though and simply wrapped her arms around him in a hug, the simple act helping her feel more comfortable and safer in his arms. Her cheeks grew bright red and hot as Jamie leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, though once again, she did not object. It was comforting to know her parents were concerned for her, though she still found the notion odd after all this time. But she was content to stay in Jarvis' arms, watching everything that was occurring around her from that safe place.