Siera was stood there ready for a fight, it when klank took over she stood there with excitement waiting for klank to make his move. “Holy crap this ship has harpoon cannons!” Siera said as she stood there shocked as the harpoons bounced off of the sea kings scales. She was even more surprised to see a man riding on it but also excited since he seemed friendly and peanut has been dying for a new friend. Although I doubt a sealing would want to be friends with such a tiny annoying little guy. He would have driven him to insanity. She was surprised at how big the man was when he landed on the deck of the ship. He was huge compared to her and she normally does come across people that big it was almost intimidating. Isaac started to blame everything on peanut and before she knew it the little guy leaped off of her shoulder towards him ready to attack. Siera just barely grabbed him in time with both of her hands wrapped around his body as he struggles to get free. She held on to him as he was punching the air and making weird gestures towards Isaac like he was going to get him back for what he had said. The big head man had asked what everyone’s dream was and it was at that moment that Siera just stood there quietly. She didn’t really have a dream all she wanted in life was to fight and become stronger. The harder the fight the better she thought. “ Dream? I don’t even know these guys I’m just here by chance but I guess I just want to explore the world and be the strongest fighter in it and nothing will get in the way of my dream”