[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190202/a7dc8d6c55746f87ec44852f97c97ef0.png[/img][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/S63Ry7L/bobbileigh-1.png[/img] [color=#BA68A6][b]Location:[/b] the Ground -> the East Entrance - Baton Rouge, Louisiana[/color][/center][hr][hr] Bobbi clapped in delight. [color=BA68A6]"Oh, how fantastique~ I agree, a picture to mark this occasion!"[/color] The slender woman reached her arm into the void and after a few moments of digging around pulled out a disposable camera. It was fresh, she even had to remove packaging. Lucky! She snapped a quick picture of Anastasia and a couple of the rest of the group before placing the camera into one of the [url=https://i.etsystatic.com/6648492/d/il/c94fc3/1455230691/il_340x270.1455230691_mi0l.jpg?version=0]pouches[/url] she wore. She listened intently to the directions given and nodded in understanding before she followed Casper and Jack to their destination. She even went as far as to link arms with Casper and give him a wide grin. [color=BA68A6]"What say you to a selfie before we enter the fray?"[/color] she inquired with excitement. The brand new camera had her in a tizzy and she was all for documenting Team Theivey-pants' wonderful adventure. Though she was quite exuberant her voice was a soft whisper. She would not give away their position foolishly. The plan for her was to follow other's directions. She was not a leader. She was a smash and grab kinda lady. So, basically, her plan was no plan. Besides enjoying her time getting into this facility. Bobbi practically glowed like a pregnant woman with her glee of the job. For her, the adventure was in the getting, not necessarily the goods. Though a paycheque was a bonus.