Oh crap, yeah, I forgot about the slipspace thing *facepalm* Eeeerrrr, maybe Vitiate leads her to some ruin on Quensu or Nuncata that has some Rakata like, teleportation tech that she uses to catch up with them perhaps? They had a bunch of those transporter things on Belsavis, maybe Vitiate had a similar thing set up to port him from Zakuul to Known Space while he was still Emperor of the Sith? (: he'd have had to quickly get from Sith Space back to Nathema/Zakuul between dealing with Sith business and his crazy kids? XD and as you say, Vano figured out the star charts so she'd be able to program the coordinates in correctly. Otherwise the other alternative is Vitiate just appearing briefly in spirit form to help them deal with Arcann/Vaylin and then the whole Vitiate/Revan thing could happen when they go back to Qyaari space to report perhaps? XD I don't think we did ever include/mention Theron actually, being an SIS Agent he could have plausibly survived I guess? Would still be hella awkward for Revan to just show up all like "yoooooooo I'm your great great grandpa wassup" LOL so I feel like, sacrificing himself to kill Vitiate is a good "endgame" scenario for Revan without breaking out of his character too much :3 Sounds good to me! Best of luck with your car search! :D I'm only 5 foot 4 so I can relate to her frustration bwahahaha I dunno what sort of dealership(s) you guys are going to but I've got a Nissan and they seem to be quite high up in comparison to some of the other "brands", even little old me can see quite well without too much trouble :3