Basics Name (& pronunciation):[color=00a651] Akiva Cracan (A-Key-Va)[/color] Age:[color=00a651] 24[/color] Place of Birth: [color=00a651]The Village of Tumina[/color] Gender:[color=00a651] Female[/color] Species/Racial Origin:[color=00a651] Mage, with a focus on shape-shifting spells[/color] Social Class/Community Status: [color=00a651]Warrior[/color] Language: [color=00a651]English, knows some of the ancient language of her people [/color] Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: [color=00a651]Comes from a long lineage of proud warriors both mother and father included. [/color] Physical Description Height: [color=00a651]5'6"[/color] Weight: [color=00a651]135 lbs[/color] Hair: [color=00a651]Dark brown[/color] Eyes: [color=00a651]Dark brown[/color] Limb Dexterity: [color=00a651]Right handed[/color] Detailed Physical Description: [color=00a651]A bit muscular, swift, graceful. Has a couple scars from past fights. Built more for close range combat than long range due to her eyes being just slightly weak. [/color] Typical Clothing/Equipment: [color=00a651]Usually wears a white cloak with a gambeson for protection. [/color] [hider=Spear] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Clothing] [img][/img] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Personality/Attributes Personality/Attitude: [color=00a651]Proud, friendly, bold, adventurous, competitive[/color] Skills/Talents: [color=00a651]Spear fighting, spell casting, fist fighting, climbing[/color] Likes: [color=00a651]Trying new things, a challenge, warm days, spicy food, drinking[/color] Dislikes: [color=00a651]The cold, water, bugs[/color] Goals/Ambitions: [color=00a651]To become captain of her village's warriors.[/color] Strengths: [color=00a651]Close combat, taking on change, thinking outside the box[/color] Weaknesses: [color=00a651]Her temper, water (can't swim and too afraid to try), long range sight[/color] Fears: [color=00a651]Drowning[/color] Hobbies/Interests: [color=00a651]Cooking, listening to/reading stories[/color] Philosophy of Life: [color=00a651]Take everything head on[/color] Attitude Toward Death: [color=00a651]It's inevitable[/color] Beliefs: [color=00a651]Believes in the protection of her ancestors and the strength of her people[/color] Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: [color=00a651]Receiving a bad injury after being pushed into a river and nearly drowning.[/color] Education/Special Training: [color=00a651]Spearfighting, spellcasting (shapeshifting specific)[/color] Place/Type of Residence: [color=00a651]Shared home with the rest of her immediate family, The Desert of Kilerth, Villager of Tumina.[/color] Occupation: [color=00a651]Warrior[/color]