Niks had to step backwards, snarling all the while, in his attempt to avoid the incredibly stubborn dragonoid, although his effort and attention on patching himself made his reaction and movement incredibly slow as sudden movement would botch his effort. Her knee buckled as she prepared to punch him and she then fell against the ground. She coughed weakly as she laid on the ground before remaining still. Niks kept a wary eye on her form, waiting for her to raise up as he continued to patch his wound. He was relieved that she remained and was apparently out cold. Now, he can focus his attention to himself, afterward he would then gain his way out of this place. ---- Niks stretched his stolen limbs and tested their movement. Satisfied that he managed to fit in properly, Niks gave a nod to himself. He then gave an experimental flap on his newly acquired wings. Flying with them would be a new experience for him as he had never taken a winged suit before, it was fortunate for him that he'd gain the necessary muscle control for it so he didn't have to train himself to do it. "Wings work right, I can fly now," he said before frowning. While speech quirks was one of the things he often get, this was the first time that the effect was further than accent. Something to investigate further once he returned home. With a shake of the head, Niks then took off and outwards from the dark cave, headed to the Nexus gate he came from.