Jo stood in front of the mirror in her bedroom, adjusting her clothing uncomfortably. She was unused to the lightness of the men's clothing against her skin. Nevertheless, she had to admit that Jules' trousers and loose flowing shirt fit her well, were flattering, even. "But what's to be done about my hair?" Jo asked. Jules, lounging on her four-poster bed with the family cat, sat up. "We'll cut it, obviously," he said. Cut it? Jo hadn't considered this part of the plan. Her long mahogany hair had always been her one vanity, and she had enjoyed styling it into intricate buns and braids, hidden as they were underneath her modest bonnet. "Well what about you, though? How will you hide your short hair?" Jo asked, knowing the answer. "A bonnet, naturally!" Jules laughed, and plucked hers from the bed, donning it and rising to stand next to her at the mirror. They examined one another, side-by-side. The resemblance was uncanny. Jules had slightly broader shoulders, and Jo a softer face, but the differences were noticeable only when studied, and when they were next to each other. Their nearly identical appearance had served them well in childhood mischief, and, it seemed, would continue to do so even now. Jo swallowed, wincing. "Very well," she said. It was a small price to pay, she supposed, her lovely hair for freedom to live her life as she chose, and allow her dear brother to do the same. Certainly it was a price she was willing to pay.